Orphan Non Home Pages

last modified: December 16, 2014

It's interesting on occasion to see a list of all pages that are not pointed to by anything other than a ChangesInXXX page, and which themselves do not point to CategoryHomePage.

Obtained by a simple gawk script to process links.txt ...

    print "<html><head></head><body>"
    print "Orphan pages other than home pages. Specifically, pages<br>"
    print "on the C2 wiki that are not pointing to CategoryHomePage,<br>"
    print "and are not pointed to by anything other than ChangesInXXX.<p>"
    print "<ol>"

/CategoryHomePage/ { for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) tgts[$i] = 1 ; next },
/^ChangesIn/ { next },

{   pages[$1] = $1
    for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)
        tgts[$i] = 1

    n = asort(pages)
    c = 0
    for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
        p = pages[i]
        if (!(p in tgts)) {
            print "<li><a href=\"http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?" p "\">" p "</a></li>"
    print "</ol>"
    print c " pages, generated automatically at"
    print "</body></head>"


In case you're interested, 1571 pages, generated automatically at Mon Apr 28 10:05:06 BST 2008
