Wiki Wiki Law

last modified: April 7, 2010

Being pissed off at the gubernatorial election in California, a thought came over me. Why do we need politicians now that we have the internet? Politics is more of a beauty pageant than anything else. Why not write up the laws in a wiki instead? Wikis tend toward consensus, which is what we're looking for in our laws. (Says you.)

If individual citizens wrote the laws, as on a wiki, then it wouldn't matter what politician's having sex with who.

Actually, this is an interesting idea, a Wiki dedicated to generating a set of laws. If it was also open-sourced, that would be quite interesting.

Maybe once the wiki has coalesced sufficiently, all the participants can then remove themselves to someplace where, presumably they can enjoy their crimeless utopia!


I've also wondered if there might ever be an open-source religion with its central text as a Wiki.

Some liberal churches might already be described as such, except for the Wiki bit. ;)

See TheReformSociety

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