TheReformSociety is presently defunct; members are reforming the content and intent as, variously, the JournalOfCivilization and CampaignsWiki. -- TheMgt.
WikiZens of WikiDom, we're proud to announce a new home for all those CategorySociology and CategorySociety pages.
Welcome to, a wiki dedicated to the conception of reform. TheReformSociety leverages the ZwiKi PageHierarchy to create a laser-beam factoring of what would otherwise be contentious and noisy stuff.
WardCunningham has made TheReformSociety a new SisterSite of the C2 wiki, so the movement of the SociologyWikiSeedList pages should be fairly painless so long as we observe a little protocol:
- Make a copy of the page you intend to move on TheReformSociety. Use the PageHierarchy to parent that page under UnreformedPages
- Refactor TheReformSociety copy in (Unfortunately the domain was sold!).
- When conversation about your refactored page(s) there and here has ceased, delete the corresponding page here.
- Where appropriate, leave a paragraph of summary.
- Refactor only a few pages at a time - leave the rest so other people can work in parallel with you.
Yes, the idea is to refactor WikiDom TestFirst ...
TheReformSociety also proposes a structuring principle ( that may advance the concepts of WikiNature and DesignPatterns into new realms. Worth a look for that alone.
Here at WardsWiki, reform is not over. We remain interested in all aspects of computer-related reform, especially as related to computer programming. Being an uncommonly informed community, we are also interested in all forms of social reform though we wouldn't mind seeing the more contentious pages on a site dedicated to social topics, as long as a paragraph or two remains here to remind us what the page was all about. Thanks for taking care to write these paragraphs carefully. -- WardCunningham
Refsoc is back, kinda sorta. has the content. The domain name, regrettably, was gazumped by some genius in Ukraine while Pete has been engaged in whatever the heck it is he's doing down under.
Unfortunately RecentChanges is broken so you can't tell what's going on, but that shouldn't stop you from jumping in. Maybe Pete will get the hint ...
Not just RecentChanges mind you, Search and the whole structure looks like the floor of an enthusiastic mechanic's workshop... -- AndrewCates
Perhaps reform-society could be registered and used while waiting for the unhyphenated name, or, .net, thereformsociety.whatever etc.. lists some other political wiki.
That list appears to be out-of-date. It also says: "Please note: Site's content won't be indexed any longer due to massive spamming."