My, don't we have our work cut out for us? This is a list of pages that have been selected as seed material for TheReformSociety. No doubt there are many more, and also no doubt some of the material on these pages won't fit TheReformSociety's charter (mainly the SearchForTruth stuff ...) and some people will want some of these pages to stay on C2, or go elsewhere, come to think of it, and in general moving stuff from one wiki to another has always proven an acrimonious and thankless task.
So in the effort of moving and refactoring these pages, I'm just going to start with the "A"s and work my way down. Any kind soul who joins in this work will have the undying gratitude and respect of little old me, at least. -- PeterMerel
- AnarchismIdeology
- AnAnarchistFaq
- AnarchoSyndicalist
- AntiSocialism
- AppliedBigotry ??
- BadStuffWeLearnInSchool (some of it definitely)
- BarberIsm Has a backlink on MeatballWiki; you can move it there if you'd like. -- SunirShah
- BiasOrPrejudice
- BillGates
- BillOfRights
- BraveNewWorld
- CarAddiction
- CarFree
- CategoryIdeology
- CanadaCountry
- CapitalOfTheWorld
- CheapLabor
- CivilizationGame
- ClassStriation
- ClockworkOrange
- ConceptsOutOfContext
- ComparativeGovernments
- ConflictOrWar
- CorporateCommunists
- CorporateGovernment
- CorporateWelfare
- CorporationsAreNotFreeMarket
- CountryVsNation
- CourtAddiction
- CryonicsDoesntWork
- CryptoCracy (some of it)
- CulturalRelativism
- DirectAction
- DrugsAreLegal
- ElectionEpistemology
- ElectoralCollege
- ElectoralCollegeDiscussion
- EndTheWar
- EscapeToSpace
- EuropeVsAmerica
- EvilDoer
- FederalistPapers
- FightClub
- FoundingFathers
- FoundingFathersDiscussion
- FredrickWinslowTaylor
- FreeMarket
- FreeMarketeers
- FreeSchools
- FunctioningMarket
- GreatCarEconomy
- HotMoneyAndThePoliticsOfDebt
- InflationUnderDemocratsAndRepublicans
- IvanIllich
- JohnRawls
- KarlMarx
- LeftAndRightWingPolitics
- MargaretThatcher
- MemesShmemes
- MeltingPot
- MixedEconomy
- NewWorldOrder
- NoamChomsky
- NoTax
- ParetoPrinciple
- ParochialAbsolutism
- PerfectlyCompetitive
- PostalVote
- PowerSelfAristocratizes
- PresidentialPowers
- PrivateProperty
- ProtestVote
- RadioFreeHemp
- RefactoringTheHumanBody
- RepresentativeGovernment
- RootPasswordToTheConstitution
- SapirWhorfHypothesis (but, let's keep the parts of this that do relate to software)
- TheSecretOfPower
- SpecialRelationship
- SpoiledBallot
- StarshipTroopers
- TerrorismVsGreed
- TerroristDefinition
- TerroristDefinitionDiscussionIterationOne
- TerroristDefinitionDiscussionIterationTwo
- TheBottleneck
- TheoryOfJustice
- TheLibertarianParty
- TheManufacturingOfConsent
- ThirdWorldDieback
- TragedyOfTheCommons (with refactoring -- too much c2 related content)
- UnitedStates
- UnitedStatesConstitution
- UnitedStatesOfAmerica
- UnitedStatesTaxes
- UniverseOfDiscourse
- VietnamWar
- WageSlave
- WarOnDrugs
- WhatFnordMeans
- WhatIsConsciousness
- WhatIsCopulism
- WhatIsLeftOrRightWing
- WhatIsLiberal
- WhatMakesaThingProperty
- WorldTradeCenter
... and some of the pages they link to.
Here is the TwinPages listing from the MetaWikiSearchEngine for the above list. You can likely delete every page listed below without too much concern.
Unless of course, they contain material not encompassed by the page title. Thinking that pages are similar just because they share a title is extremely narrow-minded.
Why would they contain material not encompassed by the page title? If so, we should delete the pages completely.
Whatever and says you. For a convenient example, compare the pages FightClub and; the former is a discussion which is entirely fair but that the latter would not want to have.
You have been on Wiki for over a year, yet it's amazes me that you haven't learnt anything from all these intelligent people surrounding you. Nothing can be automated. Everything must be done by hands, hearts, and minds by everyone together. You fail to apply anything but your skull, all alone like a bull moose. I have nothing to defend.
AtlasShrugged AtlasShrugged WikiPedia AynRand AynRand WikiPedia
AynRand Ayn_Rand WikiPedia WikiPedia
WikiPedia BillGates BillGates WhyClublet
BillGates Bill+Gates Foldoc BillGates Bill_Gates WikiPedia
BillOfRights Bill_of_Rights WikiPedia BillOfRights Bill_of_rights WikiPedia
BraveNewWorld Brave_new_world WikiPedia BraveNewWorld Brave_New_World WikiPedia
ClassStriation ClassStriation MeatBall
ClockworkOrange Clockwork_Orange WikiPedia
CorporateGovernment CorporateGovernment MeatBall
CorporateWelfare CorporateWelfare MeatBall CryptoCracy CryptoCracy MeatBall
DirectAction DirectAction MeatBall FederalistPapers Federalist_papers WikiPedia
FederalistPapers Federalist_Papers WikiPedia
FightClub Fight_Club WikiPedia FoundingFathers Founding_Fathers WikiPedia
FreeMarket Free_market WikiPedia HomeSchool HomeSchool AndStuffWiki
JohnRawls John_Rawls WikiPedia KarlMarx Karl_Marx WikiPedia
MargaretThatcher MargaretThatcher WhyClublet
MargaretThatcher Margaret_Thatcher WikiPedia
NewWorldOrder New_World_Order WikiPedia NewWorldOrder NewWorldOrder WhyClublet
NoamChomsky Noam_Chomsky WikiPedia NoamChomsky NoamChomsky WhyClublet WikiPedia
ParetoPrinciple Pareto_principle WikiPedia
SapirWhorfHypothesis SapirWhorfHypothesis MeatBall WikiPedia
SapirWhorfHypothesis Sapir-Whorf_hypothesis WikiPedia
StarshipTroopers Starship_Troopers WikiPedia
TragedyOfTheCommons TragedyOfTheCommons MeatBall
TragedyOfTheCommons Tragedy_of_the_commons WikiPedia
UnitedStates United_States WikiPedia UnitedStates UnitedStates WikiPedia
UnitedStatesConstitution United_States_Constitution WikiPedia
UnitedStatesConstitution UnitedStatesConstitution WikiPedia
UnitedStatesOfAmerica United_States_of_America WikiPedia
VietnamWar Vietnam_war WikiPedia VietnamWar Vietnam_War WikiPedia
VietnamWar Viet_Nam_War WikiPedia WageSlave WageSlave MeatBall
PersonalTelco WorldTradeCenter World_Trade_Center WikiPedia
A tragic irony that this page, which started out as trying to decide which pages to rescue from the wiki cleansers, is now being used as a quick and easy execution list. Why the hurry in trying to find things to delete?
I'm using all the indices available, more than you probably even know exist. I'm actually not using this page at all. There is a lot that I have done that I must now fix. FixYourWiki. -- SunirShah
Philosophy-related pages that may or may not be OnTopic initially:
There is an ongoing SociologyWikiSeedListDiscussion about which pages deserve inclusion in this list.
What do you think about the WikicraticRules statement ? Is it the foundation of society and hence sociology ? -pj
Instead of a list, wouldn't it be easier to just add the tag, SociologyWiki to the pages we think would be good seed?
Given the current unexistence of a SociologyWiki per se, consider TheAdjunct as an alternative destination.