Sociology Wiki Seed List Discussion

last modified: March 15, 2002

This page is a discussion of the contents of the SociologyWikiSeedList, a list of pages that some think should be moved to a new wiki.

These don't deal with RealWorld politics. I can't think of any good reasons to include them, though several bad ones come up.

Um, then you have to ditch the libertarian stuff, and FightClub, Rawls, StarshipTroopers, and a whole bunch of similar. Why exclude the u/dis topians?

The utopians/distopians listed above all deal with politics in its generality, as it applies (or should apply) to the RealWorld, even if they use the format of fiction. If you look at StarshipTroopers, you'll see how much that page talks about the book's relation to the RealWorld, even if the book doesn't. That's why I included StarshipTroopers and not RobertHeinlein. OTOH, to get RobertHeinlein included, all someone has to do is accuse him of being a Fascist on that page.

StoneSociety seems to deal with the internet, or draws itself most heavily on it, WikiStoneSociety even more so. The particular application of politics and economics to the software industry is much more relevant to a forum that concerns itself with the software industry than to one that discusses politics in its generality.

I see nothing in the StoneSociety that confines its application to the internet. Indeed, it appears as abstract a system as the ones described by Marx and Rawls, both of whom should go too. WikiStoneSociety is medium-specific, so ought to stay here. As to Heinlein, it seems sensible to include him both on the Sociology wiki and here, by means of the SisterSites links. --KingOfTheRoad

Wonderful list! Thanks to the uncookied user who came up with this.

Some of the pages which I authored already exist on MeatballWiki like ClassStriation. I would be comfortable with them being deleted from here instead of moved elsewhere. The VotingPatterns I'm ambivalent on. While I wrote most of them, I didn't have a very good reason to do so. I'd rather see them deleted. -- SunirShah

I also thought them more appropriate to MeatballWiki than to a SociologyWiki. Do you have other concerns?

Not really. I'd be tempted to let some things I wrote move over--like the VotingPatterns which are more or less anonymous--provided I wasn't attributed to them, as I'm always very hesitant to let something I've signed be moved to a site I don't know about. Actually, the VotingPatterns are kind of funny, because I wrote them while I was quietly deleting almost everything I had written previously. Now I'm willing to let them go too.

Good luck. -- SunirShah

That is funny.

Doubly Thanks.
