Zeek Land Deconstruction

last modified: October 27, 2012

...I don't think it's meant to be funny in a hah hah way, maybe more like funny in a surreal way, and while I can't begin to understand what's going on and the Langston explanations usually have so little to do with what I thought was going on that it makes me feel stupid in a way I've never felt before (I can't even understand a COMIC???), if it went away I think I'd miss it. Yeah, I know it's on GreenCheese, but I like running across it in RecentChanges - like finding the funnies in the middle of a newspaper. -- DaveVoorhis

Try the "Poison River" story from LoveAndRockets. You can read the whole thing straight through, perceive it's about gangsters duking it out, and never realize it's about human trafficking.


CategoryZeekLand; see also TheElaborateArtOfDeconstruction
