Co Deleter

last modified: March 5, 2005

1) JustaProgrammer hooked on deleting code. -- KlausWuestefeld.

2) In WardsWiki, one of two persons who mark a page for deletion. The first person marks the page for deletion, the second person actually deletes it. In this Wiki at least, it takes one person to make a new page, and two people to delete one...

Every line of code deleted increases the value of every other existing line. Every page deleted from wiki increases the value of every other existing page.

Perhaps this could be rephrased as "Every line of code deleted increases the attention given to every other existing line; every page deleted from Wiki increases the attention given to every other existing page." Broken code doesn't magically get correct when other code is deleted; but it is easier to find and then fix.

If W(n) is the average value of a page in an n-page Wiki, the maximum of W(n) must surely be at n > 1 somewhere. How valuable is a single-page Wiki?

Deleting of this page changes the value of the wiki in what way?

If we then delete this page, the other pages on wiki would be more valuable? I think not! This page has a value of its own. What value an individual may place on the page is subjective and should not be the basis of deletion. What about the value of the page to someone who individually values it? If two agree to delete and 5000 do not, what mechanism exists to restore the page? A single edit after the deletion would alter edit copy and make that option void.

Stated simply: if this page were to be deleted, the total value of the wiki would be diminished, not enhanced.

There are now HistoryPages to allow retrieval of pages deleted within the last few days.

A WikiWikiPage isn't similar to code, it's similar to social chat et cetera. All the redundancy is similar to the redundancy in your conversations when you're involved in PairProgramming.

