History Pages

last modified: February 5, 2007

Non-editable BackUp pages corresponding to past versions of wiki pages. On this wiki, they have a limited life (see below), and successive history pages correspond to different editors.

See them at http://c2.com/wiki/history/.

See also WikiHistoryScripts.

The history pages are deleted by a cron script to save disk space when they are over some fixed age on the order of four days. Also, the page save logic keeps only the last of sequential saves from one author with the consequence of suspicious but harmless gaps in numbering. But, until recently, deleting a page would reset the revision number leading to overwriting of history in the presence of delete wars. This undesirable behavior was fixed in mid October, 2004, by checking for history when creating new pages. -- WardCunningham

Original WikiWikiSystemNotice:

This site is now keeping additional HistoryPages beyond that offered by EditCopy. Volunteers who take care of the occasional lost page will find some old pages stored in plain text at http://c2.com/wiki/history. I intend to limit their retention to only a few days. -- WardCunningham

Some pages are also available at http://c2.com/ppr/wiki/ which is updated weekly. See WikiMirrors.

Really old pages are stored in the internet archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki, http://web.archive.org/web/*/c2.com/cgi/wiki

