Commas Between Links

last modified: December 5, 2005

Somebody is removing the commas from between links, such as category names. I am not sure I agree with this. Commas make it easier to visually separate the items (at least to my eyes), and fits proper English better if I am not mistaken. If wiki starts to look too nerdy, such as like EssExpressions, it would scare people away.


I agree to the extent that removing the commas as the only change is not a good idea, although I suspect most category lists are currently without commas. Perhaps could explain their motives... then we could vote on the style issue, and on whether to change lists already in place.

I don't think it is worth the bother of changing existing lists. However, I do think a vote would be a good idea with regard to future convention.

I agree. Let's WikiSingleVote on the following lists:

Category lists at the bottom:

Other lists, especially within text:

CategoryWikiVote / CategoryWiki / CategoryMoreWikiNavelGazing
