Here is a preliminary list of pages on Computer, Computer Environment and Software Programming and Development on this Wiki.
It is a Roadmap, a list of links to pages falling under a general category, having related pages included in the map.
It is updated by the community as new pages and additional pages related to it are created or discovered.
Books, Trends and Research
- SoftwareHousesDoResearchAndDevelopment
- TheBookAgileSoftwareDevelopment
- TrendsOrNotTrendsInSoftwareDevelopment
Control of Concerns Software Development
- AdaptiveSoftwareDevelopment
- AgileSoftwareDevelopment
- ComponentBasedDevelopment
- DesignPatternsForObjectOrientedSoftwareDevelopment
- ExtremeDevelopment
- FeatureDrivenDevelopment
About Style
- AdjustCommentsToFitCodingStyle
- ArchitecturalStyle
- AtsCodingStyle
- AttributeBasedArchitecturalStyles
- BazaarStyle
- CodingStyle
- ContinuationPassingStyle
- ContinuousIntegrationGemStoneStyle
- CriticalStyle
- ElementsOfProgrammingStyle
- EssentialJavaStyle
- GoodStyle
- MoreIsLess
- RestArchitecturalStyle
- StlStyle
- TheElementsOfStyle
- XmlElementsOfStyle
Delivery of Developed Software
Development Tools
- RapidDevelopment
- Development Schemes
Distribution of Software Development
Distributed Programming
Organization of Resources
- BiddingInSoftwareDevelopment
- CollaborativeDevelopment
- CommunalDevelopment
- CompetitiveDevelopment
- CollectionImprovementAndProcessImprovement
- IsXpBorgDevelopment
- LargeScaleIndividualSoftwareDevelopment
- ProcessImprovementTools
- SimultaneousDevelopment
Groups And Group Dynamics
- DynamicsOfSoftwareDevelopment
- TribalDevelopment
- TheCollective
- TheValueOfMany
Principles of Software Development
- CriticalSpiritInSoftwareDevelopment
- ManifestoForAgileSoftwareDevelopment
- PrinciplesOfObjectOrientedSoftwareDevelopment
Process in Software Organization and Development
- ProcessImprovementTools
- ProcessImprovementSkills
- NoProcess
- TwoOrMoreProcesses
Numbered Idea Sets
Information Organization and Information Retrieval
- PaperPorting
- WindowsFileSystemOrganizationForJavaDevelopment
- DottedPrefixExtension
Unclassified or General Topics
Peer To Peer Developments
- PeerToPeer WorkingGroup
Conference References: