This page is part of AtsGoesExtreme and the AtsDiary.
The first phase of ATS proscribed minimal coding standards. In particular, to avoid bad feelings, absolutely no brace style was mandated. The end result was that four different developers used three different brace styles, even within a single method. This didn't cause as much chaos as it seems like it might, but it was definitely annoying.
I still don't want to mandate a brace style, but everybody agrees that a standard style is needed. So I'm going to try DictatingByOsmosis: When I pair with someone, I'll gently encourage him to use a particular brace style (preferably the one I like, but it doesn't matter) and somewhat less gently encourage him to use good names. My hope is that my partner will later convey the same gentle opinions to his partner, and we'll all converge on a style I'm happy with.
Find a (short!) style reference that you like and make everyone read it and then discuss it. Books are better; buy everyone a copy. It may eat a day, but it's worth it if it will improve clarity. If you're desperate, I'm slowly building SelfDocumentingCode, but it's hardly complete and not necessarily applicable to your project. Moreoever, it's not a book which is big disadvantage. If they use bad names, remind them that a programming language is designed for humans to read, not computers. The goal is clarity.