There are a number of pages that may, with WardCunningham's blessing, be appropriate for moving to the new SociologyWiki in addition to the suggestions on the SociologyWikiSeedList. In the spirit of WalledGardens, I would like to suggest a cluster (MegaCluster?) that may be appropriate, and wonder if there are other candidates. Everything is, of course, open to discussion, and depends on Ward's decision, as I've mentioned. Here they are:
- RuleOfFear / SecretPolice / UsaPatriotAct / WarOnTerrorism / DefineTerrorism / WorldTradeCenter and all the stuff in WtcIndex (which is all entirely worthy of debate - and some heavy refactoring); that list is available through its BackLinks.
This is only a fraction of this cluster's actual extent. Please, nobody take action in any way before the community has had a chance to ponder the issue.