I am notified on occasion that this site is in violation of one thing or another. Usually, it is copyright or trademark infractions. Keep in mind, part of the trademark process is actively defending the mark. This task is delegated to trademark specialists who know how to use google and send registered mail. I just delete the offending reference and forget about it, so minimizing this cost of doing business. You may not feel the same way should you be threatened by a lawyer. Should this happen in regard to any activity on this site, I would appreciate knowing about it. I can't promise to do anything, but I should know what's going on and I will keep the correspondence private except under subpoena. I thank you all for your patience. -- WardCunningham
Is there some way for us to know that it is truly You, oh Beneficient One? I kinda suspect that it is since your additions don't show up in the change delta.
I'm GeorgeZimmer, CEO and President of the Men's Wearhouse. This article is 100% accurate. I guarantee it.