Like UnLambdaLanguage evrything is a function, insted this is evrything objects.
The program file is a object definisen for main object. Example:
print out "A" 2 times
I hav to complete this document, and make a interpreter for it as well. And I made a mistake abuve now I fix it
Is this language defined anywhere?
OK, here I will now:
Commands: varname=value; to setvariable ==value; to set return value from +value ~ to forget 1 from calling stack
Operaters: +value to make copy uv a object and return the ==value inside the codeing for that object [code] to make a new object with this code and no variables. This code will not execute rite away, but will execute wen +value call copy uv it . to get self variable object>varname to get variable inside object (can also be use on left side uv =) object-value to get indexed variable inside objcet (can also be use on left side uv =) be same index if object pointer the same
Numbers: Ar # and integer number. Number ar global object can be acses and changed the same as enything els, it has these variables bilt in: prev=number-1 next=number+1 sgn= -1 for <0 0 for =0 +1 for >0
Main Object: The object the main object has these varible objects ar pre-coded: in = to input 1byte out = to output 1byte x = set to number value to in/out