White Space Invasion

last modified: November 14, 2003

In attempting a simple edit on RefactorApplicationFramework I inadvertently introduced a multitude of whitespace. It was already there in the text-editing box when I did an EditPage, and I incorrectly assumed the wiki text-processing would eliminate it. Apologies. Is there a way to fix it short of manually deleting all the unwanted line-feeds? ScottJohnston

Cut and paste the edit text into word and use its search and replace to replace all ^p^p with ^p ? AndyMorris

Yah sure, but I'll use emacs, dontcha know :-) I guess I was fishing around to see if the white-space compaction algorithm was broken/disabled, and maybe that was why all those extra new-lines showed up in the first place. There was most definitely a difference in the whitespace contents and/or appearance of RefactorApplicationFramework before and after my edit, a difference created by something other than a manual edit.

I've noted that this problem can occur when using the Opera 5.0 web browser to edit Wiki pages, maybe with others as well? --LeonardNorrgard

Mozilla will "helpfully" get rid of wanted whitespace. For example, if I copy a TAB and paste it, I just get a single space. If I copy multiple spaces and paste, I get a single space. Thanks, Mozilla.

O'no... here they come in their CrackerShip.

See SyntacticallySignificantWhitespaceConsideredHarmful, WhitespaceIsGood
