Xp Exaggerated

last modified: August 23, 2005


Ryan, man, you should have warned me. I blew soda out of my nose and all over my keyboard!

Sorry! I swear I have nothing to do with that site. Look at it this way: Some vicious person afflicted me with it by posting it to the XpMailingList. The only convenient means of assuaging my pain is by making others feel it.

http://www.xpexaggerated.com/IndexCardScam.htm is a hoot.

LinkRot ? Try http://www.maketh.com/xp/index.html ?

or the WayBackMachine: http://web.archive.org/web/20041010140249/http://xpexaggerated.com/index.html

CategoryJoke CategoryExtremeProgramming

^^^ It was a joke?!
