Criticism Of Meatball Wiki

last modified: August 22, 2007

MeatballWiki can be criticized primarily as appearing self-important, a self-appointed guardian of wiki culture and newspeak about wiki communities against individuals. The first impression a new contributor will have, most especially if they use a "Pen Name" other than their "Real Name", is one of a social clique which excludes them and looks for reasons to be insulted. Attempts to argue for embrace are met with swift and uncaring calumny and aspersion, not unlike what is regularly found within other communities facing extinction.

Meatball has relevance problems as a wiki community, and to the extent its members are consumed with navel-grazing their policies and ideologies, it is an unwelcoming discussion forum for anything else. Represented are a very narrow range of largely outdated academic topics, and Meatballers have come up with several applicable terms, such as "FishBowl" and "GatedCommunity". Curiously, the community chooses to avoid applying such terms of admonishment to itself, even as it so clearly demonstrates them, which is a simple example of groupthink. The conditions in the Wikisphere which embraced Meatball years ago are long over, or changed, a state noticed even by Sunir Shah, a co-founder of Meatball. It will be up to Meatballers to reform from within, to embrace diversity and change, rather than rely on venomous attacks against outsiders who won't conform to the groupthink, or face an ever dwindling readership.
