Funky Business by Jonas Ridderstrale and Kjell Nordstrom
ISBN: 0273645919 An interesting, fun read. Lots of high energy motivational stuff about the nature of the new economy, the supreme importance of individual brains as the constrained value-driving resource, how organizations must change to be successful. As always with this kind of book, I had trouble telling how much was merely inspirational vs. actionable.
There is a quotation here about failure that strikingly reminded me of a quotation I saw on wiki (but now can't find) about needing to fail faster:
- "Innovation requires experimentation. Experiments are risky. We can succeed or fail. So, an innovative environment must have an exceptionally high tolerance for mistakes...
According to Deepak Sethi of AT&T, the organization of tomorrow will actually demand mistakes and failures. We have got to fail faster to learn quicker and succeed sooner." -- BillBarnett