Switch Hands

last modified: January 15, 2004

I suffer from wrist pain due to RepetitiveStrainInjury. Recently a coworker noticed me wearing my wrist support at work, and told me that he also used to suffer the same pains, but it was greatly helped when he switched to using his mouse with his left hand.

I've often noticed a correlation between mouse usage and my wrist pain - I experienced some relief when I upgraded to a decent mouse. I've just started the left hand usage of my mouse, and I'll see how it goes and report back.

-- DanielSheppard.

[ Wondering about other correlations. Which keyboard do you use (e.g. PC, Sun...), and which editor do you use? ]

I'm using an IBM keyboard and a microsoft mouse at work. A logitech keyboard and mouse at home. My desk at work is also quite badly designed as it consists of two component parts, with the seam lying around where my mouse belongs - I believe I've been overreaching for my mouse because of this. My desk at home is too small. I also have incredibly bad posture. I'm also prone to RSI pain in my knees. So, correlations a-go-go.

[ And you don't use an editor or other tool that requires extremely frequent use of awkward keys like control and alt? ]

My editor of choice is either EclipseIde or MetaPad (notepad replacement). The only keyboard shortcut I use heavily are the CTRL-C/X/V combos. I tend to do everything else mouse driven. I haven't noticed much correlation between heavy java development periods as opposed to periods where I spend a lot of time using the browser to research.
