Maybe a good page to be revived? Last change was limited and was made June 2002.
Please replace dated material and broken links
--DavidLiu March2004
Anyone object to moving useful contents from this page (not much) to ItIsTough? Nothing happened here in past 3 months to mid 2004. --DavidLiu
I'd really like to heed the advice "Don't ask for employment, go where the employment is". My city definitely isn't it right now. I am prepared to move, am available, and would appreciate any suggestions.
A cynic would say the Indian subcontinent, or China Hmmm, I must be dense. I need another clue. Why India or China? OK. Generalise to "offshore"
A scan of on 2002.04.17 reveals these statistics on available tech contracts for these cities:
- AtlantaGeorgia - 554 jobs
- BaltimoreMaryland - 602 jobs
- BostonMassachusetts - 1185 jobs
- ChicagoIllinois - 1243 jobs
- DallasTexas - 899 jobs
- DenverColorado - 474 jobs
- DetroitMichigan - 365 jobs
- HoustonTexas - 430 jobs
- India - 500,000 jobs
- KansasCityMissouri - 184 jobs
- LosAngelesCalifornia - 2731 jobs
- MinneapolisMinnesota - 221 jobs
- NewYorkCity- 4557 jobs
- OrlandoFlorida / TampaBayFlorida - 598 jobs
- PhiladelphiaPennsylvania - 1367 jobs
- PhoenixArizona - 615 jobs
- PortlandOregon - 274 jobs
- RaleighNorthCarolina - 250 jobs
- RichmondVirginia - 972 jobs
- SacramentoCalifornia - 244 jobs
- SaltLakeCityUtah - 46 jobs
- SanDiegoCalifornia - 665 jobs
- SeattleWashington - 457 jobs
- SiliconValley - 6675 jobs
- StLouisMissouri - 245 jobs
- WashingtonDC - 1789 jobs
These numbers should, of course, be taken in the context of the city's size.
For perspective, PortlandOregon has the highest unemployment in the nation.
Dice can be misleading because the same job can be listed many times by different recruiters.
The RichmondVirginia number was striking. Is that an indicator? Anyone? I think that includes ArlingtonVirginia - Richmond proper has about 190 jobs Arlington is right across from Washington DC and about 90 miles north of Richmond.
These numbers maybe aren't as accurate as a more general sense of things. What is that sense?
"Nowhere." Though as a New Yorker I can state that the papers around here claim this is the worst part of the country for tech right now.
This list has an AmericanCulturalAssumption, and is only applicable if you have US citizenship or an unrestricted visa.
Yes, it does... I hoped that there would be some feedback on jobs in Europe or other continents, as I'm sure there are plenty of us willing to cross an ocean or two.
The USA Today Web site used to have a neat visual aid: just select an industry, and check out how the map of the USA changes. Flipdog has something similar, but it would be nice to see this on Monster.
I wish we could tie down the H-1B visa lobbyists who claim there is a "shortage" of tech workers and figure out once and for all exactly where these "shortages" are.
Here's a quick meme that might be useful: YellowPagesNotMonster gives you a feel of the tech market in the UK and some of Europe.