- ObjectiveCee is C + LateBinding OO + AllSingingAllDancing runtime - MI
- ManagedCeePlusPlus is C + LateBinding OO + AllSingingAllDancing runtime - MI
Now ObjectiveCee is a very simple language - it's C with a little SmallTalk for the messaging. ManagedCeePlusPlus syntax is a gigantic mutant dinosaur breathing fire on Tokyo. Seriously, you've got MFC + ATL + STL + CLR + BCL + Unmanaged code +++ ... it's AllOnePiece.
OTOH not many folk use ObjectiveCee without the CocoaFramework these days either. Yes, there's GnuStep ... but really you're restricting your code to just the one platform ...
Wrong comparison. It should be ObjectiveCee vs CsharpLanguage.
No - C# is forcibly managed - it can't produce unmanaged code. So its architecture and deployment patterns are locked in. ManagedCeePlusPlus can do a lot of things CsharpLanguage can't. Of course you could write in both ManagedCeePlusPlus and CsharpLanguage ... but you'd be clinically insane ...
Look: If you wanna write for M$, use ManagedCeePlusPlus. If you wanna write for Apple, use ObjectiveCee. Do the front end in WxWidgets and forget your problems ...