Could the person (or people) who have been adding maths pages to Ward's Wiki please make themselves known here? (It's not "Vicki" is it? I thought your maths was at a higher level than what's appearing here?). If we're going to 'do maths' on Wiki, let's do it properly, probably on an engine with maths support built in, and not at the trivial level of what is an Abelian group, what is a field, what is a ring, what is a module, what is a Hilbert Space. -- JamesCrook
I agree that spending time entering elementary stuff in ascii is probably not much help to anyone. I have been intrigued for a while now about attempting something in a wiki that allowed MathML. Any thoughts? -- anon
I think that is an excellent idea.
I'm currently trying to build a MathML Wiki. The math input is based on TeX expressions.
If someone like to help:
- (BrokenLink - 2007/09/21)
For what it's worth, I also asked, but I merely got justification on the grounds that at least some of the terms are used, plus some appreciated the info. See what's left of that exchange in TopologicalSpace. -- VickiKerr
Hey, as we say in XP, if you can do it better then do it better. Qwitcher bitching JC. Hey read again matey. What I'm doing is polling to see if there is enough interest in doing it properly. Definitions as they stand aren't much use IMO. I've already got much better sitting on my bookshelves... and even some in some still functioning grey cells. My take at the moment is that there isn't enough maths energy in this community to start up a maths wiki and think about how to support maths properly. I'd love to be proved wrong. -- JamesCrook
I agree with James. The definitions are not always correct and sometimes incomplete. Because I don't think we will get a good support for this, I would actually delete the stuff. -- ThomasHolenstein
I think the problem may be that WikiIsNotaDictionary. It's nice to wiki terms like TopologicalSpace because someday, someone may make such a page and have valuable insights on the nature of space and its relation to such and such. But until then, we don't really need the page to exist. -- JoshuaGrosse
I've just been going around Wiki and briefly defining the "?"'s on various pages - some included math. If you want to delete anything I did, I have no problem with that. Basically I put those sort of definitions up there with a computer programmer who just wanted a quick idea of what these terms meant. I would say that if you have a term you are using in, say, FunctorObject, use topological space instead of TopologicalSpace if you don't want others to define it. -- JohnHarby
John, thanks for this. I think this indicates a more fundamental problem. FunctorObject got the topological space undefined link in a section saying effectively 'this has nothing to do with Functors or topological spaces'. I suppose I could complain that this page right here (CategoryMath) has NOTHING TO DO WITH CategoryTheory and is misleadingly named, and before long we'd have a page on CategoryTheory in the Wiki too. What to do now? Let's all go to MathWiki and discuss?? -- JamesCrook
John, you could save yourself a lot of work by watching RecentChanges instead of doing brief definitions. If somebody sees a term she doesn't understand, and would like to know more, she ought to know to create the page herself in the form of a question.
Anything on FermatsLastTheorem.
Please do not delete this area. For me, one of the very good things about Wiki is the crossing of the fuzzy boundaries between different areas. I have learned a lot about such things as GraphTheory while looking for something quite different. -- JohnFletcher
Maybe we could enter the mathematical formulae in TeX? It isn't MathML, but it is readable, and you can always pump it through TeX to get a beautifully rendered picture of the equation. -- AlexisIglauer
ProofByInduction, MathematicalInduction (Both should be merged --TakuyaMurata)
CategoryWikiImplementation CategoryMath