Java Vs Python

last modified: November 9, 2014

Moved from FunctionalVsProceduralVsObjectOrientedProgramming

I'd rather write

instance = list[2] # python

rather than

MyClass instance = (MyClass)list.get(2); // Java

almost every time. And for introspection, I'd rather write

fun = anInstance.method
fun(3, "guido")

rather than

import java.lang.reflect.*;
Method fun = anInstance.getClass().getMethod("method", new Class[] {Integer, String)); // arf
fun.invoke(anInstance, new Object[] {new Integer(3), "guido"},);

every time! (from the JythonLanguage book "Jython Essentials": ISBN: 0-596-00247-5 page 12)

And thank god they can interoperate. (See") Er, thank Jim Hugunin and Guido. -- PaulTaney

And why not just do:

anInstance.method(3, "guido");

CategoryProgrammingLanguage CategoryCoding
