Pages to do with ProgrammingLanguages (contrast CategoryNaturalLanguage).
The convention is to append 'Language' for the WikiName and to expand single letters according to the WikiAlphabet. However, sometimes that doesn't work and you have to improvise. Some less obvious or WikiUnFriendlyNames are listed here (seems to me that all are listed here; should we clean this up?) (indeed: surely the only ones that need to be listed here are those that are neither of the form OnewordnameLanguage nor MultiWordName?):
- A+ (AplusLanguage)
- ABAP/4 (AbapLanguage)
- awk (AwkLanguage)
- C++ (CeePlusPlus)
- C# (CsharpLanguage)
- CDuce (CeDuce)
- HaXe (HaXeLanguage)
- IoLanguage and OriginalIoLanguage
- IplPackage (Invocation Programming Language)
- J (KenIverson or JayLanguage)
- Jython or JPython (JavaPython)
- K (KayLanguage)
- Lingo (LingoScriptingLanguage)
- LX (LxLanguage)
- ML (MlLanguage)
- Modula-1, Modula-2, Modula-3 (ModulaLanguage)
- Objective-C++ (ObjectiveCeePlusPlus)
- O'Caml (ObjectiveCaml or OcamlLanguage)
- PhpHypertextPreprocessor (PhpLanguage)
- PL/I (PliLanguage)
- RATFOR (RationalFortran)
- SetL (SetlLanguage)
- SQL (StructuredQueryLanguage)
- Standard ML (SmlLanguage)
- TCL (ToolCommandLanguage)
- VB (VisualBasic)
- VPython (VisualPython).
Pedagogic Languages
- BloopFloopAndGloop
- CocoaWorld
- DonKnuth's MIXAL
- ToonTalk
- TuringLanguage
- TutorialD (TutorialDee)
Practical Jokes
- BackWardLanguage
- InterCal
- BefungeLanguage
- BrainfuckLanguage (a teaching language) (I think this BrainfuckLanguage is not actually a joke, it was made to be 256 bytes compiler, but maybe it was a joke as well, I don't know)
- FalseLanguage
- UnLambdaLanguage
- PleasePorigeHot (I ask somebody that doesn't know how, to make ProgrammingLanguage, it wasn't complete, so I wrote the second page, and it made this.)
- PPL-1: The First Paranoid ProgrammingLanguage
Pre-Historic Languages
Types of ProgrammingLanguage:
- ActorLanguages
- MetaLanguage
- ImperativeLanguage
- FunctionalProgrammingLanguage
- ObjectFunctional language
- ObjectCapabilityLanguage
- ScriptingLanguage
- InteractiveFiction - specialized languages for writing adventure games
- ArrayOrientedLanguage
- EmbeddedLanguage
- LogicProgrammingLanguage
- RestrictedProgrammingLanguage
- MinimalistLanguage
- GraphicalProgrammingLanguage
- EsotericProgrammingLanguage (e.g. Intercal)
- MarkupLanguages (See Note 1)
- DomainSpecificLanguages (often not TuringEquivalent)
- GlueLanguages
- CardWalloperLanguages
- ThreadSafeLanguage
- HardwareDescriptionLanguage
- 1 Arguable whether this should be called a "programming" language, here it is shown as a "type".
- VDM (ViennaDevelopmentMethod)
- Z (ZedLanguage)
Other ProgrammingLanguage discussion
One may define a LanguageSubset, as an aid to teaching. Or talk about LittleLanguage. (...really a discussion of Unix tools) Or you may need help ChoosingTheRightLanguage to solve your problem.
On the other hand, some people regret starting a LanguagePissingMatch... (btw, CobolIsDead!)
Or, to address ProgrammingLanguages at a higher level. Is it a real ProgrammingLanguage, even if it's not TuringComplete? How might one go about MeasuringLanguageComplexity?
Or the performance of particular ProgrammingLanguage implementations - ComputerLanguageBenchmarksGame.
And discussions of LanguageAsInterface, LanguageUsability, EnglishLikeFeatures and such focus on the intersection between HumanBeings and the languages they use to communicate with each other and with compilers and interpreters.
ProgrammingParadigm shows some typical ProgrammingLanguages for each paradigm.
See ProgrammingLanguageNamingPatterns for information on the names of ProgrammingLanguages.
CategoryCategory CategoryScripting