AWK is a LittleLanguage. It's described in The Awk ProgrammingLanguage (ISBN: 020107981X ) 1988. From the AWK FAQ at:
awk is a programming language with strong support for text pattern matching, named after its three original authors:
A: AlfredAho W: PeterWeinberger K: BrianKernighan
they write:
"Awk is a convenient and expressive programming language that can be applied to a wide variety of computing and data-manipulation tasks."
It was used for many of the same kinds of text processing tasks that Perl is used for, and Perl was partially based on it.
Most implementations of awk are interpreters which read your awk source program and parse it and act on it directly.
Awk is still maintained by BrianKernighan, with the last bug fix 20110810
It could have been WAK.
{Or KAW. KAW would have been great.},
Too bad there is not a Nelson in the group. Then you'd have fun commands like
An awk program is essentially a list of patterns with associated code. The program is run against an input file. Each line of the input file is compared against each of the patterns, and the code for all of the matching patterns executed.
Awk is an excellent language for writing short Unix filters for text files. However, if you require more extravagant processing, it's quite likely that you need Perl. (You will have difficulty in opening more than one file in many of the "stricter" dialects of awk.)
Do you know about the 'getline' command? With it, you can open files independent of the main "loop". Reading a file is as simple as:
while((getline < "somefile") > 0) {
do stuff
If you don't care about error processing (when getline might return -1) then you can use
while(getline < "somefile") {
do stuff
In GAWK, the GNU extended version, getline can read from a co-process.
There are those who do more sophisticated processing in AWK than in Perl. Some people find it easier to write, easier to read, and easier to convert to C if eventually needed.
- "AWK is a programming language that is mainly used for extracting information from text and data files. Its name is derived from the names of its authors; Aho, Kerninghan and Weinberger, although it may have been written by one of them who then roped in two of his friends to furnish a suitable acronym.
- "The main advantage of AWK is that complicated text processing tasks can be accomplished with a minimum of instructions.
- "AWK programs are based on the idea of pattern and action; the program scans a document looking for a pattern and when found it performs the action."
-- Ben Tremblay
AWK's use of patterns to decide what actions to fire is inherited (and improved) from SNOBOL. The SnobolLanguage used the concept of "success" or "failure" (of pattern matches, or comparison operators such as GT() and LEQ, or many other operations) to control GOTOs. A typical SNOBOL program was written in a style that would be very familiar to an AWK programmer: perform a pattern match; if it succeeds, execute this block, otherwise skip it.
I used to use awk a lot, and it was fine, but since I always install perl on any machine I am likely to use much, I don't use awk anymore. Am I making a mistake?
I doubt it. There's a tool called a2p in the perl toolset which converts awk scripts into perl. So you can even use perl to run your awk scripts.
If it is do-able in Awk, it's a joy compared to Perl. Why muck around with those ugly $'s @'s %'s {},'s ;'s all over the place when they are simply not needed? Compare:
for(i in arr) print i, arr[i] # clean, crisp
for $i (keys %hash) { print "$i $hash{$i},\n" ; }, # and did you notice it was %hash and $hash at the same time ... wtf
Of course, awk can't do everything .. shame, it's syntax is the best (with the exceptiono of how it manages multi-dimensional arrays - cumbersome**2 )
I started learning awk from reading some joke text file on the old Wiretap etext archive, which described how certain sysadmins solved certain problems. And some of them were like:
kill -9 `ps -a | awk '/xtrek/{print $1},'`
There is a little program called pkill, now part of every standard UNIX, which first appeared on Solaris and solves that exact problem. Try pkill xtrek
Awk and Wiki share a certain gestalt. Within their domains, they are deceptively simple, clean and flexible. While quite capable on its own, Awk was originally written in the context of Unix. Through simple syntax, it can access the power of the Unix command line.
AwkiAwki takes advantage of this synergy to:
- get the current date and time in a specific format
- do the RecentChanges function
- check whether a file exists
- do the Search function (one simple Unix command to do a fast, full text, regular expression search)
- submit a page to a second program for parsing
- read in the parameters from a URL or the information from a web form*o which I've added:
- create needed directories and files
- create and remove locks
- create diff files as backup for page changes
According to Andrew Sumner's tests, Awk is no longer a performance slouch, either
-- JimHart(
HenrySpencer wrote an assembler in AWK:
Yacc geeks can learn a lot by reading the awk grammar.
Ok, now I'm curious, so I will...but which awk? Learn what?
Q What is a inexpensive and simple tool for developers with MicrosoftWindowsCulturalAssumption that will do things similar to AwkLanguage? Would VbScript do, now that it has RegularExpression capabilities? Please do not suggest tools that require ExtensibleMarkupLanguage if possible.
A You can get a free and open source version of awk itself for windows, see the GNU version at
- It is also included in an entire package of unix tools for windows:
- Similarly with the cygwin package for Windows, which (unlike unxutils) includes a subset-Unix emulation DLL which one can use to link many (not all) unix utilities:
- If you just want "something vaguely similar -- something with regular expressions", then there's Perl for Windows, and I believe Python and Ruby, too, although I haven't tracked their availability myself.
According to HansWobbe AwkLanguage is very appropriate to handle WikiMarkUp. See also AwkiAwki.
See also: PerlLanguage (arguably a descendant), SnobolLanguage (an antecedent), PowerOfPlainText