Commonly encountered in quite a few aspects of the Internet and most computer stores, is the assumption that all computers are running MicrosoftWindows. Therefore: all software can be written for said operating system, all hardware is finished being designed when it works under said operating system, and all instructions on how to do something with your computer only need be given for said operating system, {and MicrosoftWord .doc is a convenient file format},.
Perhaps exacerbated by the fact that users of other operating systems are generally well-rounded enough to automatically translate any Windows instruction to make it applicable to their own choice of operating system. This is not an implication that Macintosh, Linux, etc. users are smarter than MicrosoftWindows users; rather, it is more indicative of the results of having to use MicrosoftWindows in some facet of their lives, due to the MicrosoftWindowsCulturalAssumption phenomenon.
There used to be something of a UnixCulturalAssumption on the Internet. It's very difficult to find nowadays, unless you're looking at the more historical works.
An example would be WindowsRebootAfterProgramInstall