What is a category?
A category is a ReverseIndex to related Wiki pages. Instead of a category page containing forward links to pages of that category, page authors can put a reference to one or more categories on their pages. By clicking on the title of a category page, Wiki will list the pages referenced to that category.
For instance:
Someone adds the category title 'CategoryComicBooks' at the bottom of a page. When someone clicks the link to that category, they are taken to that category's page. That page may or may not have a more detailed description of what pages it applies to (wiki users are, of course, encouraged to provide those descriptions), but in any case, if the title of that page is then clicked, Wiki will provide a list of all pages having that category's link in them.
To see a list of all categories, click the title of this page. To view the list of categories in alphabetical order, click the LikePages link at the bottom of this page or try http:like?CategoryCategory. What follows on this page is a list of some categories grouped by subject.
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Some easy rules for editing this page:
- create a category only when that category is really needed (be picky)
- create concise descriptions (as few words as possible)
- create useful descriptions (don't merely repeat the category name)
- keep everything in alphabetical order
- only after dealing with all the BackLinks (hundreds, sometimes thousands) do you delete or rename a category
- only when it really makes sense do you put entries into multiple sections
- CategoryDatabase
- CategoryFuzzy -- theory and implementation of AllThingsFuzzy
- CategoryInformationManagement -- includes library science concerns?
- CategoryInternet -- Internet, net, web, information superhighway, etc.
- CategoryLinux -- the Linux operating system
- CategoryMessagingServices -- technology to link up applications and application services
- CategoryMicrosoft -- Number 1 player in the computing field
- CategoryAgentOriented -- Agent-Oriented Programming, systems and methodology.
- CategoryOperatingSystem
- CategoryUnix -- the UNIX operating system
- CategoryPalmOs -- The Palm OS operating system --> being replaced with the more inclusive CategoryHandheld
- CategoryWebDesign -- web design, web programming, usability, etc.
Software Development & Programming General:
- CategoryAdoptingXp -- adopting Extreme Programming
- CategoryAnalysis -- software analysis
- CategoryApplicationDevelopment
- CategoryArchitecture -- software architectural issues/types, apparently excluding computing hardware architecture issues (as indicated by the text describing the category; for the excluded aspects, please see CategoryComputerArchitecture). Also please note that this category may contain discussions related to computer-based electronic device architecture, where the software is a component of, but not the totality of, the product under consideration.
- CategoryCaseStudy -- case studies of software project experiences
- CategoryComponents -- component-based programming
- CategoryConfigurationManagement -- configuration Management Tool
- CategoryCppTemplates -- software templates
- CategoryCrcCards -- using cards in software development
- CategoryDefinition -- see also CategoryGlossary
- CategoryDesignIssues -- design issues (software, so far)
- CategoryEnterpriseComputingConcerns
- CategoryExtremeProgramming
- CategoryExtremeProgrammingExamples
- CategoryFunctionalProgramming
- CategoryLegal
- CategoryModellingLawsAndPrinciples -- software modeling laws and principles
- CategoryOpenSource -- All things related to the principles, processes, and business decisions surrounding Open Source
- CategoryOrientation -- a taxonomy of sub and sub-sub categories covering various levels/orientations in software development
- CategoryPairProgramming
- CategoryProgrammingLanguage
- CategoryRequirements
- CategorySoftwareTool
- CategoryOffShore
- CategoryInfoPackaging
Coding Concerns:
- CategoryAlgorithm
- CategoryCodingIssues
- CategoryCollections -- data collections (arrays, etc.)
- CategoryDebugging
- CategoryException
- CategoryGameProgramming
- CategoryIde -- Integrated Development Environments
- CategoryOptimization
- CategorySqlProgramming
- Someone please help categorizing list in StructuredQueryLanguage, I have added SqlCodingStyle to this new category -- dl Sep04 and DeleteWhenCooked
- CategoryTesting
- CategoryPitfall
Distributed Computing:
- CategoryComponentObjectModel
- CategoryCorba
- CategoryEjb -- Enterprise Java Beans
- CategoryDistributed Computing
- CategoryConcurrency threading, synchronization, locking, wait-free algorithms, etc.
Programming Languages:
- CategoryAlgol -- "Algol-like" languages, including WirthLanguages (Wijngarten's woebegone wizard! There was a separate category for "C#", but not for "Algol-like" languages!?)
- CategoryCee -- C
- CategoryCeeSharp -- C#
- CategoryCommonLisp -- a Lisp dialect
- CategoryCpp -- C++
- CategoryBoost -- BoostLibraries for C++
- CategoryCppTemplates -- C++ Templates
- CategoryDelphi
- CategoryForth
- CategoryFortran
- CategoryJava
- CategoryJavaScript -- JavaScript/JScript and ECMAScript
- CategoryLanguageFeature -- features of programming languages
- CategoryLisp
- CategoryPascal -- Pascal family of WirthLanguages, including "Pascal-like" languages
- CategoryPerl
- CategoryPhp
- CategoryPli -- descendants of PL/I, arguably including SQL
- CategoryPython -- Python and Jython
- CategoryRuby
- CategoryScheme -- another Lisp dialect
- CategorySmalltalk
- CategoryVisualBasic
Special Purpose Languages:
- CategoryTex -- TeX text formatting language
- CategoryThelop -- Language Oriented Programming & LOP language
- CategoryXml -- XML text formatting language
Technical stuff
- CategoryComputerArchitecture -- for software issues more akin to software design, please see the unsymmetrically named CategoryArchitecture.
- CategoryComputerCompany -- a basis for descriptions and references to the commercial enterprises responsible for hardware and software advances and setbacks in the computer industry.
- CategoryDocumentation -- all about writing for technical reasons
- CategoryGlossary -- definitions of terms (see also CategoryDefinition)
- CategoryHardware (awfully broad as a category)
- CategoryHierarchy -- discussing hierarchical structures
- CategoryManufacturing
- CategoryPrivacy
- CategoryProblemSolvingStrategy
- CategoryRealTime -- instrumentation, machine, medical diagnostics & treatment, etc.
- CategoryResearch
- CategorySecurity -- computer security and authentication issues
- CategorySisterSite
- CategoryWireless
- CategoryYtwok -- Y2k (Year 2000, the date bug thingy)
- CategoryAntiPattern
- CategoryPattern
- CategoryPatternForm
- CategoryPatternLanguage
- CategoryPatternsGroup
- CategoryProtoPattern
- CategoryRefactoring -- improving a system internally without affecting interface
- CategoryRefactoringBrowser
- CategoryBehavioralPatterns
- CategoryCreationalPatterns
- CategoryGroupsOfPatterns
- CategoryLazyPattern
- CategoryObjectFunctionalPatterns -- integrating a functional style in OOP
- CategoryStructuralPatterns
- CategoryComicStrip
- CategoryGame
- CategoryGameProgramming
- CategoryGamesandIcebreakers
- CategoryJoke
- CategoryMovie
- CategoryMusic
- CategoryQuestions
- CategoryScienceFiction
- CategoryStory -- stories: short stories, novelettes, novels, etc.
- CategorySucks -- it sucks and here's why
- CategoryWhimsy
Intellectual Stuff (Literature, History, Psychology, Philosophy, etc.)
- CategoryBigPicture
- CategoryBook -- individual books
- CategoryBooks -- books in general, lists, stores, etc
- CategoryCommunication -- not about datacomm, but about personal communications
- CategoryCreativity
- CategoryCulture
- CategoryEducation -- education, educating, learning, etc
- CategoryHealth
- CategoryHistory
- CategoryHomePage
- CategoryLeadership
- CategoryLifeStrategies
- CategoryMath
- CategoryMemes
- CategoryPerpetualArgument -- 'passionate debates'
- CategoryPhilosophy
- CategoryPsychology
- CategorySociety -- how best to live within and organize society
- CategoryTinFoilHat -- crazy pseudo-intellectual stuff
- CategoryWisdom -- information on wisdom gathered from outside WikiCommunity
- CategoryWorldView -- pages with religious or philosophical content
- CategorySubjectivityAndRelativism -- When you start to think that LaynesLaw is perhaps all there is.
- CategoryAcronym
- CategoryGerman -- for German speakers
- CategoryIdiom -- words and phrases that take on a life of their own
- CategoryJargon
- CategoryNaming
- CategoryQuote -- quotes
- CategoryNaturalLanguage -- languages, linguistics
- CategoryWritersWorkshop
For artificial languages devised for programming, see CategoryProgrammingLanguage (above) and the appropriate section listed below.
Miscellaneous Stuff
- CategoryCity -- cities that have some relevance to programming
- CategoryCollaboration -- ways for people to work together
- CategoryCompany
- CategoryCountry -- direct links to pages about various countries
- CategoryExternalLink -- pages mainly for non-wiki-wiki links
- CategoryMagazine -- paper and electronic magazines
- CategoryMaintenance -- maintenance, all kinds
- CategoryReference -- reference works
- CategoryTable -- tables of useful information
- CategoryRant -- Discussions of pros and cons taken to some extremes. Usually entertaining, but ultimately tiring to the uninitiated.
- CategoryArtist
- CategoryAuthor -- published authors
- CategoryDialogue -- the art of exchange, cooperation, and agreement (FailureIsNotAnOption)
- CategoryHomePage -- Wiki Wiki users' home pages
- CategoryInterview -- interviews of people by people
- CategoryPerson -- people outstanding in their field [Note: this seems unnecessarily broad; can we split this up or somehow focus it a little better?]
- CategoryScientist
Professional stuff
- CategoryConference -- conferences, conventions, etc.
- CategoryEmployment -- how to get it, and where to get it
- CategoryGroup -- user groups
- CategoryKnowledge -- knowledge management
- CategoryLeadershipPatterns
- CategorySoftwareProduct -- entry for software products
- CategoryProject
- CategoryManagement
- CategoryNegotiation
Process, Quality, Methodology:
- CategoryProcess -- discussions on process, management, organization, and predictability of outcome
- CategoryQuality -- quality assurance, control, teams, design, etc.
- CategoryMetrics -- quality and productivity metrics
- CategoryMethodology
Wiki Wiki Web
- CategoryVoting -- how to poll wiki users, some pages on (off-wiki) voting
- CategoryWiki -- general Wiki Wiki issues
- CategoryWikiEditing
- CategoryWikiEngineReview -- Wiki engines and wiki farms
- CategoryWikiMaintenance
- CategoryWikiNavigation
- CategoryWikiProgress -- how WardsWiki is shaping up for the future
- CategoryWikiTag -- tag marks applied to pages requiring some action to clear the tag
- WikiWiki -- the word
- WikiWikiWeb -- the object
Indexes, etc:
- CategoryCategory -- you are here
- CategoryFaq -- FAQ (frequently asked questions) pages
- CategoryHomePage -- Wiki Wiki users' home pages
- CategoryIndex -- pages with indexes (lists of links)
- CategoryRoadMap -- things to explore (good for newbies)
- CategoryWikiFavorites -- Wiki Wiki Favorite pages
Still didn't find what you were looking for? Then try the WikiSearch:
See: WikiCategories, CategoriesDiscussion, HelpUsingCategories, FaqForCategories
CategoryWiki, CategoryWikiNavigation, CategoryRoadmap, CategoryCategoryCategory