Category to group pages of concern to Enterprise Computing environment. Such would include but not limited to people (management), product (technology), and processes (methods).
Categories that are the Concerns of EnterpriseApplication
- CategoryManagement -- it's all in the management, isn't it?
- CategoryExtremeProgramming -- due to need for well known Agile development methodologies relevant to ServiceOrientedArchitecture adoption
- CategoryJavaPlatform -- being the first enterprise class distributed computing platform of wide use (CORBA is the first but has limited adoption)
- CategoryDotNet -- inclusion due to its Architecture of the decade status promoted by MS
- CategorySecurity -- use of internet technologies requires extra security provisions
Some categories have indirect relevance and are excluded (e.g. CategoryXml)
Click on the Title to see a list of pages (please wait as it is a new category created 17May04)
--- CategoryEnterpriseComputing might be a better, more concise name.
By adding the word Concerns, I have enlarged the scope to include topics that are not exclusive to the world of EnterpriseComputing, but are relevant to EnterpriseComputing nonetheless. --DavidLiu
I believe the term EnterpriseApplication is too ill-defined to be useful for categorization. I suggest CategoryScaling for "large" issues (if "enterprise" is really about size). Plus, it is shorter.