Press the title to see all pages of this category.
Please, refer to the AntiPatternsCatalog for general index and thematic classification of AntiPatterns. Also see AntiPatternCategory.
Known subcategories:
- CategoryArchitectureAntiPattern - all pages there:
- CategoryDevelopmentAntiPattern - all pages there:
- CategoryManagementAntiPattern - all pages there:
- CategoryOrganizationalAntiPattern - all pages there:
Authors of pages describing AntiPatterns should reference this category and one of a sub-category above to provide two automatic indexes (the CategoryAntiPattern one and the subcategory one).
- To add an AntiPattern to the catalog, please read the AddAntiPatternToTheAntiPatternsCatalog page.
- For comments and discussions, please go to the AntiPatternsCatalogDiscussion page.
- Need your help: pick an AntiPattern in the ListOfAntiPatternsToDocument and document it.
External links:
- A valuable repository of antipatterns in action is
See also: