Category Exception

last modified: March 30, 2011

The purpose of this category is to facilitate finding information about the use of Exceptions for ErrorHandling and other purposes. Pages in this category have been hierarchically organized below to make it easier to find pages relevant to particular interests. Note that there are somewhat different categorizations on the pages ExceptionPatterns and ExceptionHandling.

Click the title to get a list of all pages in this category.

Use to search for pages with "Exception" in their titles

Use to search for pages with "Catch" in their titles

Use to search for pages with "Throw" in their titles

If pages you find by searching should belong to this category, please mark them with CategoryException.

Organized this page 6/11/2005 -- AarreLaakso

(Nice job! I like the organization of this page. Thanks! -- JeffGrigg)

Kudos! One suggestion I wish to float is to reduce the bullet level by one. Section headings don't really need to be bulleted.

CategoryCategory | CategoryException
