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Patterns for how to integrate a functional style of programming into an object oriented environment.
- BlocksInJava
- CallByNeedSemantics
- ClosureInsteadOfObject
- CommandQuerySeparation
- ContinuationPattern
- CurriedFunctor
- CurriedObject
- FpVsOo
- FunctionCallObject
- FunctionObjectPattern
- FunctionalPatternSystemForObjectOrientedDesign
- FunctorObject/StlFunctionObjects
- GenericFunction
- InternalizeExternalIterators
- LazyEvaluation
- LazyEvaluationAndTransactionSemantics
- ObjectFunctionalImplementation
- ObjectFunctionalPatterns
- ResourceAcquisitionIsInvocation
- TranslatorPattern
- TransfoldPattern
- TrappingFunction
- UseClosuresNotEnumerations
See also: CategoryFunctionalProgramming, PatternLanguage