Languages used in the DaysOfTheDinosaurs. Batch processed sometimes cryptic, and usually (but not always) mind numbingly long to code, test and debug. Some of these languages, such as CobolLanguage are still in practical use. Would have been avoided by Mel (StoryOfMel) as he was busy programming directly on the BigIron - in hexadecimal, and not eating quiche.
Who (what) are some of the usual suspects?
AssemblyLanguage FortranLanguage LispLanguage AlgolLanguage CobolLanguage AplLanguage PliLanguage
Why are Lisp and APL included?
Because these languages were used in the DaysOfTheDinosaurs. You young'ns don't know what it's like to hack APL on an APL terminal, with all them symbols printed on the keys. Ah, the good ole days... And LISP? We had to enter each parenthesis pixel by pixel.
Yeah, I'm joking about the parentheses...
See also: HollerithPunchCard