Deleted and restored,I think this contains some stuff worth reading
What was that book by RobertHeinlein about a distopic America with a theocratic dictatorship?
Continued from UnitedStatesOfAmericaDiscussion...
Oh Pleeeeze...
I'm an American citizen, 49 years old, raised in the nation's capital. I have a few questions for the dreamer, as follows:
- [a] Where does "Operation TIPS" fit into this "dream"?
- [b] An American citizen is being held for an arbitrary period without charges, without legal representation and without trial as an "Enemy Combatant" in a "war" that has not been declared and against an unidentified "enemy" (except "terrorism"). Where does this fit into the "Dream"?
- [c] Armed, uniformed American military combat personnel are being deployed at public gatherings in American cities to "provide security". Where does this fit into the "dream".
- [d] More and more propaganda is filling our corporate-controlled media about "bioterrorism", and yet the source of the only current episode (anthrax) was a US Military operation at Fort Detrick, Md.
- [e] We prepare for a "pre-emptive" strike against an "axis of evil", because of their alleged pursuit of "weapons of mass destruction", and yet only one nation has ever used a weapon of mass destruction against civilians -- the US.
(I was in the process of responding to the questions and encountered "Conversational Chaff" Sorry but I won't fall for it. Bounce your agenda off someone else)
The only "dream" I see is a nightmare. I see paranoid, militaristic power-mongers transforming us into a paranoid, bullying, arrogant and ultimately extremely dangerous police state. I see corrupt, small-minded white men brazenly abusing the machinery of the federal government to protect their power and wealth from the consequences of public disclosure of the past misdeeds of themselves and their ancestors (there are VERY personal reasons why the current president doesn't want presidential papers made public, and those have everything to do with events that transpired involving the CIA while the president's father was the director of the CIA -- not to mention while Vice President and President).
I see constantly accelerating movements towards a society eerily reminiscent of Orwell, Stalin, or pre-WWII Germany.
Questions for the "dreamer who has nightmares:
Do you think there is anything you can do about it, to redirect and deflect the nightmarish transformation? If not, why not?
Are you against having dreams, and making them happen? If not, why not?
Have you considered the options available to you as a citizen? Have you contacted your representatives in Congress and the President with regard to these matters? and if so, what was the result? If not, why not?
And regarding the "society" what is the treatment which will make the it well?
See ContactingYourReprehensibles.