Trusting The Code

last modified: February 6, 2006

Over on ReadingRavioli, RonJeffries explains how when code is highly decomposed, you pay less attention to the implementation details and more attention to algorithm itself:

When you get good at Smalltalk, you stop bothering to remember the code. You just go with the algorithm as stated, as if the programming language actually understood "is target at the middle of the range". In essence, it does!

But there's some sort of implicit trust, isn't there? I mean, there's a method in front of you that says isTargetAtMiddleOfRange, but how do you know it's written well? Who wrote it? Did they mess it up? (Did you mess it up?)

I wonder what sort of factors might make code more trustworthy. Unit tests? Having smart co-workers? --francis


See also ReflectionsOnTrustingTrust TrustButVerify TrustTheMetastructure
