Naked Object Framework

last modified: May 12, 2008

(Suggest merge with TheNakedObjectsFramework)

Naked Objects is an open source Java-based application development platform. It’s called Naked Objects because all you need to develop are your domain objects - the Naked Objects platform auto-creates an object-oriented user interface (giving you the choice of different styles) and the underlying database (using Hibernate)

The user interface should be created 100% automatically from the definition of the domain objects. This may be done using several different technologies, including source code generation; implementations of the naked objects pattern to date have favoured the technology of reflection.

As well as offering benefits to the finished system, the use of naked objects also facilitates the use of agile development techniques. In particular, it enables the concept of an exploration phase during which users and developers prototype the user interface and the underlying business object model simultaneously. During the subsequent delivery phase, naked objects make it easier to adopt the extreme programming discipline of writing executable user acceptance tests in advance of writing the code to implement a particular story.

See Also: NakedObjects, TheNakedObjectsFramework

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