A device, or piece of hardware, that isn't really hardware at all. Just look at http://www.bigfoot.com/~selfaware (BrokenLink, 2007082). Looks a little TV-like, and is used to browse the WorldWideWeb. Yet it is totally constructed out of HyperTextMarkupLanguage, JavaScript, and images.
Counterpoint. From http://www.iarchitect.com/qtime.htm...
The QuickTime 4.0 Player sports a consumer interface, designed so that it "looks like" a physical consumer product. Apologists for this design philosophy maintain that users will more readily be able to transfer their knowledge of real-world objects to the software. Unfortunately, the apologists fail to recognize that there are two likely consequences of this approach: (1) the user is unable to transfer his or her existing knowledge of computer interaction, and (2) the software becomes needlessly subject to the limitations of the physical device.
Countercounterpoint. Media Players (without upsidedown floating heads as skins). They look like VCRs/cassette players and the interface is pretty good.
See also PaperAsInterfaceMetaphor