The application of wikis is limited only by intent and imagination, not form!
While it is true that WardsWiki is not a dictionary, it is also true that the wiki format is useful in the formation of excellent and useful dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauruses, InteractiveNovels, schedulers, PersonalInformationManagers, and the like.
It is not form but intention which makes a page title true. Wiki could be all of the things and combinations and conglomerations of all of the things listed.
In fact a wiki could be large enough not only to contain an encyclopedia as in WikiPedia, but could contain an entire library of books, articles, encyclopedias, dictionaries, glossaries, financial records, movies, sounds, 3d graphics, games, Shopping Malls, and Wiki Universities.
Formed by Imagination:
Wiki Dictionaries, Etymologies, and about Words [over 106 Thousand entries as of 20051207] [podcasts by Word Nerds ] [Etymology - letter d]
Wiki Encyclopedias [over 855,000 english language articles as of 20051207 ]
Wiki Glossaries [Java Glossary - letter d] [Content Management Glossary]
Wiki Shopping Malls, Directories [Global shopping mall - Global directory]
Wiki Universities [Open University for students ]