We have a bunch of HierarchicalWiki. But they're a bit peculiar. There's a SubWiki concept that any page you like can become a SubWiki. A wiki/subwiki is then an association of pages that link together in a directed graph. And these groups are assembled into a tree. Why? Well, because we're used to thinking about trees ...
Define a bunch of wikis as layers. Allow a page on a layer to be linked via backlinks with a group of pages on the layer below. Normalize the abstraction of layers into a hierarchy of categories ... say, according to the LeibnizianDefinitionOfConsciousness ...
Key is that each layer is one whole associative wiki in its own right. The pages that link to the relational groups do it simply via backlinks - they represent the categories of the pages in the layer below.
In a personal wiki, pages can be organized and stored via a system of classification in which sub-directories can become categorized wiki spaces. This is the scheme which I am using for my own upcoming Personal Wiki. -- DonaldNoyes