The Most Beautiful Language

last modified: September 20, 2013

... is HaskellLanguage. Much prettier than RubyLanguage.

Also a gagillion times faster - potentially FasterThanCee on modern architectures. And soon, with NDP on the GPU, so much FasterThanCee that C will never, ever catch up ... This all sounds like a bit of SufficientlySmartCompiler jabber. Did any of this pan out? --ArlenCuss Show me a Haskell chess program as strong as Stockfish, or even Fruit, and then I'll consider such a ridiculous claim. --IanOsgood

And a lot safer. Haskell typing is static and strong even though it is pretter than RubyLanguage. For example you can't write a QuickCheck in Ruby no matter how many layers of Rails you cobble on top ...

Looks to me like something like QuickCheck would be pretty easy to implement in Ruby. Why do you claim otherwise? --MarnenLaibowKoser, 11 Sep 2013

xmonad is an X window manager written in Haskell. It is very much slower than dwm, the window manager upon which it is based, written in C.

The most beautiful language would be one that uses supermodels as syntax.

Ooh! Conjugate me!

{APL had a special keyboard just for it; SM++ should also, braille-like. Or is it SMDD?},


CategoryHaskell, FlameBait, HolyWar, PissingMatch
