Technical people tend to have behavioral patterns that conflict with the rest of the world, and sometimes also other techies. These behavioral traits are not necessarily "wrong" in an absolute sense, it is just that they rub against other aspects of human nature. Human nature is what it is.
When we feel we are right, we don't back down. We push forward with "the truth must prevail" and may upset people on our way to the goal.
We pay more attention to things than people. We are naturally drawn to contraptions and concepts and pay a lot of attention to those. Because of that, we sometimes don't pay enough attention to people issues.
We like to know why a decision was made. Sometimes people don't want to give detailed reasoning behind a decision.
We feel we must always punish or expose those who are wrong or bad. It is as though if they are allowed to "get away with it", it will expand and propagate like a cancer.
- I don't see this pattern - I do see a tendency to want to expose a wrong position, for similar reasons (incorrect data leads to incorrect answers).
We don’t easily agree on a topic most of the time (regardless of the triviality of matter).
We tend to argue for just about everything.
We take everything logically, hence the social problems and the reason why most are without girls ;) (Pardon me for referencing “the general theory”).
We, I’ll say I, want everything as fast as my computer can do in life. (say, I want salary of 512rs. twice CPU cycle ;) ).
We give patterney advice.