Eric Haines

last modified: April 1, 2003

More about me at

I'm currently working on the BattleField set of pages.

Hi Eric!

Why are you working on the Battlefield set of pages? Obviously you are very interested in them, but do you really think that they are going to be of big interest to other people here?

Indeed. Please see WikiSquatting, WalledGarden, etc. -- MikeSmith

Take a look at SeedWiki. They offer free wiki hosting. It's worked for others (WikiSquattingResolved). Good luck with your project.

Alternatively, it's possible (and not too difficult) to create a wiki of your very own (RunningYourOwnWikiFaq and various other pages here provide useful info).

Maybe your content would fit with the GameProgrammingWiki (I don't know them, just guessing from the name).

Also, I backed up the BattleField pages for you. Please let me know if you want them restored, or forwarded to you. -- SeanOleary

Thanks for the pointers! Happily, someone (Sean?) pointed out the GameProgrammingWiki to me. The admin there was nice enough to host a new wiki about making mods and new maps for BF 1942. It's really a perfect use of wiki technology, as everyone can add their bits of knowledge about this topic (the developers have not released an SDK, so we're all feeling around in the dark). Anyway, it's at - 26,000 hits in 20 days, so far. Admittedly, I'm probably 13,000 of them. - Eric
