WikiSquatting describes (and discusses at length in ThreadMode) the situation where a person or group has created a WalledGarden on this WikiWikiWeb.
Generally such small groups of pages which can't or won't be integrated with the rest of this site are not tolerated, and almost always this lack of tolerance is correctly expressed in a polite and constructive manner. Remember, WelcomeToWikiPleaseBePolite applies to everyone, not just WikiNewbies.
The problem is that WikiSquatting is a recurring issue; to the people who have only just discovered this technology and wish to apply it to their own community, it probably isn't obvious what is wrong with WikiSquatting or why people who "live" here might be impatient.
The purpose of this page is to show that this has happened before. It may be constructive to put here some copies of the past conversations with wiki squatters, so the new ones can see that they aren't being treated unfairly, and that there are good and useful solutions to the problems they have.
ShepherdsBush incident
Some people found and discovered that it has some neat technology, which allows anyone to edit the text and make their own Web pages.
They made some interlinked pages covering their topic, because that seemed to be the obvious thing to do. It is the obvious thing to do, but only if you are OnTopic! They put the pages they created in a frame, making it appear as if the wiki pages on were hosted on their site.
A WikiZen explained on one of those pages what a WalledGarden is. There was no DisagreeByDeleting.
They replied,
Note: This may look like a WalledGarden but it isn't we promise:-) We've linked to this Wiki because it provides a community technology which widens the discursive net for residents in the [Shepherds Bush area] and augments what we were already doing. If you'd like to check out our site, please go to
A note was placed at the top of the WalledGarden's pages, mentioning that they were OffTopic and apt to be deleted.
At least one WikiZen wrote an email to the Shepherds Bush Webmaster, explaining the misconception and suggesting they start their own wiki on a public WikiFarm.
Within a day, the Shepherds Bush Webmaster had set up their own SeedWiki, and added an apology to the the page they'd created on The apology explained that they had just discovered wikis, and were overenthusiastic about them.
What worked
- Explaining the misconception
- Suggesting an alternative (in particular, a SeedWiki) [the carrot]
- Noting the possibility of deletion [the stick]
- Politeness
Notable comments
This Wiki doesn't provide a technology: it's a community using a technology. If you're not here to participate in the community -- and since this community discusses programming and related topics, it seems that you're not -- please obtain your own Wiki technology and start your own community. There are many freely-available Wikis that you can use, and I think there are even community Web sites that provide free Wikis. Thank you! -- JimLittle
To coin a phrase, WikiIsNotWiki. We know this because a) we've been here long enough to see many other wikis, and b) we're mostly programmers and are accustomed to the difference between classes, instances and implementations.
Reminders not needed -- The wiki as a concept is a proven, useful social instrument for dialogue, interaction and collaboration. If from time to time discontinuities occur, they will only be temporary distractions from the ongoing experience many discover here. Contributions and new thought are essential to wiki's health and to sustain and encourage participation. We do not need reminders of that.