See PersonalWiki for some basic information about running your own wiki.
Q: I have been looking through the information here on setting up your wiki and can't seem to find anything on running your wiki as a system service. I am new to this very cool way of communicating and might have missed it somewhere. Any one?
A: It's unclear what you mean by "running your wiki as a system service." One method of running a wiki is simply to unpack the appropriate software in the cgi directory on your web site, then tell people where it is. What more do you mean?
A: As a Microsoft Windows system service?
Q: I'm looking for something in between SVN and Wiki. Basically, I want to run a project where any user can contribute (possibly using a login if abuse becomes a problem) just by using the website... that part is wikilike. However, the project is working on code (and corresponding documentation) that will be compiled by an external app. Is there any wiki engine that works well for plain text, documentation, and binary files, within a normal file tree? Or a wiki that's modular enough to be modified into such a format?
A: I think that the Trac-System would be a solution!
A: Consider CVS (or continue to use SVN) for code/binary version control, and use wiki for the documentation.
Q: I must choose a Wiki for a website that uses Tomcat server 5.5, MySQL database and HTML/JSP pages (JavaScript too). I would set different permissions for 3 types of administrators and for users. What kind of Wiki could is use?
Q: What do you think about the usage of wiki technology in the context of knowledge management?
A: I think it is a terrific idea and I am exploring its potential for sales and marketing
Q: I need to run a wiki for a group of people. It is important that only the people of the group can edit the content of the wiki. I don`t have a web server, so I have to run the wiki software on another server (like geocities?). Can someone give me some advise about which wiki engine to run, and which free server I can use?
A: There arent many free web hosts that allow you to install your own scripts, the only ones I know only have it for testing and max 1 month. However, you can get a wiki at (or for free, there you can add wiki pages, and also have fine grained control over the access rights. Only useful for smaller pages (5Mb).
Q: I want to run a wiki for a group of friends/associates/students/etc. However, I do not have any kind of Web space with database stuff available. Only a personal homepage, and I cannot turn my home computer into a server. Is it possible to run a wiki by having it hosted somewhere? Online access at all times is important.
A: Yes. See WikiFarms for a list of places that host wikis.
Q: Can you run a wiki on a Sharepoint site?
A: Sharepoint has its own version of searchable discussion boards, but unless you set up your Sharepoint instance such that any user could potentially edit any page (e.g. remove all permissions from the site - then this feature is almost impossible to manage. And, running scripts of any kind inside of sharepoint is difficult as well.
A2: The next version of Windows SharePoint Services (currently in development) will support wikis.
Q: I want to run a wiki on a Web server that I access and upload files to using basic Microsoft FTP. It does not support ASP or PHP or Perl or MySQL and the only CGI I can do is basic stuff that's already configured by the host (Web Counter, Guest Book, etc., i.e. I can't upload to the cgi-bin folder.) Is there anyway to start a wiki here, using some sort of client-side protocol that doesn't require complex and advanced programming access and knowledge along with server-side execution or am I going to have to either a.) use a different Web host or b.) use a WikiFarm that may or may not be reliable all of the time, or not even be as customizable as a wiki that I can run on my own Web site. All I want to do is drop some files into my FTP Web access and Voila! wiki. Maybe I'm asking for too much..... Thank you, RobHolecko (
A: If you want to run a wiki from a remote Web server, you're gonna need some kind of CGI script. See the next question, though.
A2: See also FilesystemBasedWiki.
Q: Does "Perl scripts available to run on my own site" mean a server? If I wanted to include wiki pages on a Web site would I need to have WikiEngine or one of the WikiWikiClones in the cgi-bin directory of the host server?
A: That's how it's usually done, but it's not the only way to wiki. While the WikiWay is to have all the pages editable all of the time, you could use something like WikiMode to edit your wiki offline then export the whole thing as a static Web site.
Q: That would mean that as a static Web site, it wouldn't really be editable by others, it wouldn't really be a wiki in that sense, just be a Web site that would look like a wiki to others (yet offer me the ease of editing it in the browser offline as one would edit a wiki), correct?
A: Correct.
Q: Where do I download Wiki so that I can install it on my own server?
A: Theoretically, one can download an old version from, but I haven't tried it myself. Also see WikiWikiClone for links to other downloadable WikiEngines. You may also be interested in WikiLikeThings and
Q: So are these Perl scripts available to run on my own site (e.g. OpenSource?)
A: There are many WikiEngines out there, in a variety of languages (Perl, PHP, ASP, etc.) Many but not all are OpenSource. See WikiBase for a version of WardCunningham's software that ran a previous version of this site. Also take a look at WikiWikiClone for scripts written by other people, with various differences and similarities.
Q: On WikiEngineReviewWardsOriginalWiki it says that Version 4.1 of the WikiEngine will be distributed with TheWikiWay as open source. Where is the page that lets me download a copy of the Perl script Ward wrote (the simpler WikiWikiWeb)?
A: AnswerMe
Q: I want to run a wiki on my current web server but have absolutley no knowledge of programming at all. My server supports Perl (It has a Cgi-bin directory) and I can set up a mysql database. Which wiki is the easiest to set up, ie. a wiki for dummies?
A: If you are not limited to Perl, I recently installed a PersonalWiki using InstikiWiki. The only dependency is Ruby. You run the Wiki by running "ruby intiki" and that's it. Doesn't get easier than that, IMHO.
Installation and Setup (Platform/WikiClone specific issues)
Q: How can I run my own wiki on an NT platform powered by Microsoft IIS?
A: WikiWikiClone shows the available software packages that have Wiki-like features. A good bet is a Python one, PikiPiki runs on Windows NT 4 with Apache, and since it's a normal CGI application, it'll run equally well with IIS. MoinMoin is an excellent python-based wiki that works very easily on IIS and NT. Some of the other ones, like TWiki and PhPWiki, are quite a challenge to set up under IIS. In ASP there's AspWiki. AspWiki is written in VbScript, and runs on Access, is self-bootstrapping, and works with PWS also. Source code is freely available. AspWiki is in use in intranet wikis around the world. Once upon a time, there was also SpiDer, but it isn't even available now; a powerful alternative may be QuickWeb. There is also now OpenWiki which is written in ASP and runs with IIS and PWS with an Access database but also with ODBC Databases - see FlexWiki runs on IIS and Windows 2000 and works with ASP.NET. You can find it at
Q: I am running a Linux box just for myself, no connection to the internet etc.. Consequently I never had to install a Web server, but I do not seem to be able to find a WikiClone that does not need a Web server. Any hints? My preferred way of writing is with emacs, but wiki.el seems to need a Web server as well.
A: I don't think WikiMode needs a WebServer - does it? Wikit can run in stand-alone mode []. EddiesWiki (a.k.a. WikiServer) also runs stand-alone very easily.
Instiki [] also runs without another webserver, though you will have to install Ruby.
A: (AquiAkor) doxwiki [] needs perl installed, includes a simple server, very easy to install: unpack, start it following the readme. Comes with clear help instructions included.
moinmoin [] knows a simple mode to run with an intern server in python. All you need is python installed. doxwiki is easier to start.
tiddlywiki [] is a wiki based on html, you only need a browser, no server. Super simple: click the file, wiki runs in browser.
woas [] wiki on a stick: html based only browser needed. Simple as the one before.
Q: What are WikiWikiClones, and why do they exist? Which are the best?
A: Clones in general are pieces of software that work like an existing piece; so WikiWikiClones work like the WikiWikiWeb. What is "best" is rather hard to answer, because it is a value judgment, which will vary depending on the specific application, what features you most want, your personality, and the phasing of the moon. They exist for a number of reasons. Two obvious ones are that 1) the environment may force the use of a different language, such as ASP on WinNT, and 2) it's fun to program things. Creating a clone of a small project can be invaluable in helping to learn a language, as well.
Q: Boy, I'm going wikiwacky. Or is it wikiwaki? I have a project I'm pushing, an open source universal language. Pardon the unintentional commercialism, but its title is, "Internet English, World Wide Web, Ecommerce and International Trade." Because it is an open source language I think a wiki would (love those alliterations) serve as an excellent tool for accepting user inputs. Appreciate some specific guidelines for setting it up, or some words of wisdom (there I go again) like, "Get lost, dummy;" or, "Maybe."
A: Check out the WikiEngineReview and related pages, which have information on various WikiEngines. The review isn't comprehensive, but it may lead you to some useful resources. And, if you investigate any other WikiEngines, or find errors in the already existing reviews, your corrections or additions would be welcome. Of course, most WikiEngine authors would be pleased to see you (or anyone else) use their wiki. Many WikiEngines are GPL'd. There are often (but not always) installation instructions on the home Web pages of the WikiEngine. If you are already planning on installing this particular WikiEngine, see WikiEngineReviewWardsOriginalWiki. It will refer you to TheWikiWay (ISBN: 020171499X ), which includes a CD with a copy of version 4.1 of this WikiEngine, a not fully functional version of which is available by going to http:wikibase?HyperPerl.
Q: I want to set up a wiki for my family, but most of the easy-to-use instructions fall a little short of "easy" for me. (They usually lose me at stuff like "simply reconfigure the parameters to your liking and upload them to the appropriate folder on your host server" Fine. Which parameters, which folder, and then what?) What is the easiest, most comprehensive step-by-step tutorial for setting up a wiki? Excuse my ignorance; we all start somewhere. Thanks!
A1: To run a simple wiki, you might try EddiesWiki. It is provided as postcardware (which means free, send an email to Ed). It does not require much in the way of setting up, and runs as a console operation, no server required, uses Winsock. (It will run as downloaded.) There will soon be a new release with modifications made by EddieEdwards (the creator of Eddies Wiki) and MikeSmith implemented. (Required: MicrosoftWindows.) For MoinMoin, you can check out whether and subpages provides easy information.
A2: You might start by running a local wiki from a floppy, ZipDisk, or a ThumbDrive for each user on your computer. It is possible to run several wikis at once, using different ports on a lan, or with Apache on the Internet. It is possible, even with the beta version 1.1 - believe it or not! For some additional suggestions see
Q: Which WikiWikiClones support VisualTour?
A: AnswerMe
Q: One of the wiki uses mentioned above (and exemplified here) is creating FAQs. Is there a WikiEngine that is particularly well-suited to FAQs?
A: Yes - see the colours in (This link is unfortunately broken)
Running Wikis (technical)
Q: Can documents be uploaded, downloaded, on Wiki? If a same document has been uploaded, can it create versions for it?
A: AnswerMe
Q: How can I publish PDF, DOC, and general files in wiki? And when the file contains text boxes and GIFs?
A: It depends on the wiki. Some wikis (e.g. this one) don't allow this (although you could link to the file if it's been uploaded somewhere else). Other wikis (TwikiClone, ZwiKi and others) allow you to attach files to any page.
Q: Can I publish DOC files or PDF files using a MoinMoin powered Wiki? If so, how do I do this? We are using a company intranet wiki and would like to be able to put forms on the appropriate pages.
Q: I am running pwiki, and am having a problem with the upload files. I get an error message "There was a problem uploading the file" Any suggestions?
A: AnswerMe
Q: Is there a good WikiEngine to choose (ideally GPL'd or similar) if I want to create a wiki for a private group? I want to be able to give full wiki access to all in the group and have the wiki off-limits (both for read and write) to everyone else.
A: Most Web servers provide access control, where you can specify lists of people who can go to private URLs. I've set up a wiki for my extended family and provided an access list to Apache (my Web server) to make it private. See for more info on access control with Apache. The Zwiki/Zope combination has extensive support for access control, managed through the Web.
Q: Are there any ideas, concepts to link different WikiWikiWebs together? I would like to install a WikiWikiWeb in our intranet (kind of knowledge database) but also to use the existing information of the/a? WikiWikiWeb in the internet. Using two different platforms wouldn't be the best idea (imho).
A: See InterWiki.
Q: How do you connect a WikiWiki site to a MySQL database? I want to set up a WikiWiki site but I don't know how to set it up so that pages are stored in a MySQL database. ( Bottomline: what do I fill in in the DATABASE section of
A: I would suggest you download a copy of one of the PHP-driven [WikiEngines] listed at You'll find that several have a mySQL back-end which may suite your purpose.
Q: I installed UseModWiki and it works great. Now for the dumb question. The default database directory is /tmp/mywikidb, and I'm supposed to change that to a more permanent directory.... But... where should my new directory for mywikidb be located?
A: I found this answer at My problem was happening because my host was using a virtual directory. The fix I used is: can just use a relative path to reference the database, for example: $DataDir = "./wikidb"; -- Floyd Reed Thanks Floyd. The fix worked perfectly.
Q: I would like to start a collaborative project using wiki on my Web site. I want all those who are on the project to pass through an authentication process (password) and then have the complete freedom of wiki once they are in. Can someone advise me? For starters, is there a simple HOWTO style document that will teach me how to set up a wiki site (w/ or w/o authentification)?
A: TWiki ( provides this capability. Its installation procedure explains how to set up authentication. ZwiKi and some other WikiWikiClones have this as well.
Q: I espouse wikis at work, but the powers that be require extensive access control - "Need to know" basis, potentially at the granularity of individual pages. What wikis support this?
Q: I am planning on getting a Wiki for my website for projects. But, I don't want anybody else to have access to it, except the people I want. The people I want will have to go through a password protection. Is this possible to do? If so how?
A: TWiki has fine-grained access control, define a group and impose read / write / rename restrictions on the whole site, a web or a page. Zwiki/Zope also allows extensive control. So does MoinMoin.
Q: What ways, supported by which zwikis, minimize the administrative overhead related to access control?
A: Most Web servers have very primitive access control, and require sysadmin intervention to add accounts, etc. Some Web servers allow "transparent" access to accounts on the OS they are running on - e.g. if most folks have UNIX or MS domain accounts, they can use that to access the wiki running on the Web server. This is nice, because the accounts are administered OnceAndOnlyOnce. Many wiki servers have accounts that are wiki figments only, not tied to the OS. Sometimes with passwords associated with them. Easiest when the user creates his or her own account; tedious to administer when users must be manually added to access lists. (This last, zwiki/zope.) (Au contraire, Zwiki works well with zope membership systems like plone, exuserfolder, ldapuserfolder etc. which can do self registration and authenticate against rdbms, windows, ldap etc.)
Q: Are there any security issues for a Sys Admin to be aware of?
A: Wouldn't you like to know... l33t hax0r =). No, not at all. By the way, what is your IP address? In all seriousness, wikis run as CGI code in your Web server. This involves certain standard risks: the risk the Web server has bugs and the risk that the CGI code has bugs. Since security is a process, not a feature, a SysAdmin should register as a listener for security advisories that cover all installed software.
Q: Is there any way to censor the contents of wiki discussions on my public site?
A: That depends on what you mean by "censor" and what you mean by "my public site". If it's a wiki, why are you trying to censor it? If you want to censor it, why have it as a wiki, allowing everyone to edit? I suggest you have a look at WikiPhilosophyFaq and WhyWikiWorks.
Q: Newbie Question: Our team is trying to do a project using wiki to mold project ideas and build a basic coding framework. We are going to use wiki, which we see to be very useful, because it will probably reduce our documentation to a minimum. I was wondering how I can edit several pages and have it listed so that the next time team members log in it can mark the pages as new so they don't miss all the work I am doing and do it all over again. I am thinking that it would be best to have all new changes in the last day listed in a separate part of the wiki called NEW or something and have them age automatically. If you have something like this, can you point me in the right direction to show me how to do it. Great tool, thanks.
A: Check out (days can be at least 1, 2, and 3 or a fraction) and RecentChanges. Is this what you want? If not, tell us - I may be missing your point. There are also three ways to see a diff. (The diff shows the changes between the current version and the last edit by the previous author, not the "absolute" last edit.) The two easiest ways to see a diff are to click on the date at the bottom of any page or to click on the date next to a page name on the quickChanges page.
Q: I've just installed MoinMoin quite successfully and am very happy with it, however I have a new application now which would be suited to a wiki IF I can set it up so that only certain users can edit/modify the content, whilst everyone else can read it. BTW MoinMoin is running on IIS 5.0 on windows 2000 professional. Any suggestions anyone?
A: WikiTypeFramework is easy to set up on IIS 5.0 and Win2000 Pro. It requires PHP and MySQL, both of which have distributions with simple installation. It currently has two types of pages: standard Wiki and Content where permissions to create and edit Content is configurable. It would take about 5 lines of code copied from the Content class to apply the same security model to the Wiki class. A nice thing about WikiTypeFramework is that authors can upload graphics to the server and include them in the pages.
Q: I had an idea for a community forum like Wiki, but it's a little different. Basically the idea is, I write an editorial, and then another user is not allowed to change what I write, but is allowed to select one word from it and turn it into a link to her own new article. Her article is not named a universal name like the way Wiki articles are named, and is only linked and only relevant to the article from which she was linking. How relevant it is, whether it is just about the meaning of the word she linked, the paragraph that contained the word, or the whole article, is up to her. From there, someone can take a word from her article and turn it into a link to their own article. This would lead to less of a definition-based forum, and more of a discussion based one. One way a friend of mine and I thought of doing this was to have a large relational database, with articles that are a string of words, and each word contains its letters and a link to another article. A script then queries the database for an article listed in order of its words to display a whole article, with links when words link to something, though I haven't figured out how to do formatting (like paragraph breaks) yet. So instead of parsing through an article looking for WikiCase words, each word would have its own number and link property. My question is, can anyone think of a way to modify Wiki to do this, or can you think of a better way than I'm thinking?
A: The ProWikiSoftware supports linking on words automatically. There is not much magic involved and surely no numbers or link properties. For an example see
Q: When people edit a page is there an approval process like that for mailing lists (e.g., Webmaster, site master)? Is this different for some Wiki clones compared to others?
A: Nope, that's not part of WikiNature. Wikis are all about collaboration with no central gatekeeper. (However some wiki clones give you option of tightening things up. With ZwiKi you could restrict anonymous users to appending comments, and let moderators merge these)
Q: I have setup phpWiki on my powerbook following the macdevcenter article . It works as expected from my own browser (running in the same system as the Web server). However, when colleagues try to access my wiki, the URLs are directed to resources on their own computers. Is the wiki creating absolute paths using when I create pages? How can I fix this?
A: AnswerMe (thanks)
Q. I would like a wiki that can easily be made consistent with the rest of my site via CSS and minor edits to the templates. The templates should be editable by a producer with a good understanding of HTML, but not necessarily a programmer. Most likely, this means that the templates will be HTML files that containing macros, instead of programs that contain HTML. I also need to be able to include external HTML files in the page as it is produced, so that I can add site boiler plate, such as a navigation bar, header, footer, etc. This includes adding a standard navigation bar. Which of the many available WikiEngines work this way?
A. Quite a few:
- CgiWiki uses the PerlLanguage Template Toolkit ( and allows you to do all of this and more.
- QuickiWiki and ClusterWiki create HTML pages on the fly by populating a template HTML page with wiki page data. In the default ClusterWiki template, "$body" is replaced by the page body, "$pageTitle" by its title, etc. Adding ServerSideIncludes for boilerplate should be easy. The only part that's a bit harder is if you want to change the value of a template variable. For that you'll have to muck around in the PerlLanguage code.
- JspWiki supports templates. See
- Looks like EddiesWiki is heading in that direction too.
- TWiki uses templates (but watch out, they overload the word) - one page that talks about the template you want is
- ZwiKi uses the powerful ZopePageTemplates
Q. There's a great suggestion in the WikiWishList at the moment - having a Wiki that positions an edit button next to each paragraph/section, so that when one edits the page they dont get lost in a long list of information (such as this site). Does anyone know which wiki engines do this? do twiki and zwiki?
A. MediaWiki does this, and so does DokuWiki. This is known as SectionEditing.
Q. I am starting a Wiki that will probably, at some point in time, be edited and published as a book. I will be using a wiki powered by PHP or perl and I will not have access to a MySQL database for this wiki. Basically, I want to select a good wiki engine that can (by the wiki or 3rd party software) export all it's pages to PDF. Does anyone have any sugestions?
A. Xwiki claims to have this ability.
Running Wikis (social)
Q: I can't help feeling that the concept of wiki is incredible but I'm struggling to translate it into practical applications. Can you give me some examples of when and how this would come into its own?
A: See PracticalWikiApplications.
Q: I'm trying to set up a wiki for some people with limited experience of computers and almost certainly no experience of wiki; obviously I'll need to explain a bit of stuff for them before they start. Is it acceptable to copy some of the pages on this wiki (TipsForBeginners, OneMinuteWiki, etc) and acknowledge the page here or must I struggle to rewrite them?
A: See WikiCopyRights.
Q: Has anyone used wiki in a school environment? What kind of use was made of it?
A: See WikiInEducation.
Q: Also, any HowTos that would help a group trying to collaboratively write a FAQ using a wiki?
A: Collaborative writing of a FAQ is exactly what any wiki strives to do.
Q: I am looking for a wiki which could act as a discussion forum (no problems, so far), but that would have a standard text at the top of each page. For example, a discussion on Shakespeare's sonnet 'Let me not to the marriage of true minds' would have that sonnet prepended to the discussion page and not be editable by user's. Similarly, for other poems or texts. In other words, a wiki page with a read only header.
A: TwikiClone might do the job. Take a look at its SectionEdit plugin [], which allows someone (the admin?) to set which sections of a page are editable. If the plugin doesn't do what you want, you might be able to hack something together using TwikiClone's variables.
A: In ZwiKi you could do this by restricting edit permission to certain users, allowing the rest only to add comments.
Q: Generally, what pages should exist initially when I launch a wiki? For example, should pages for Categories or WikiBadges be included?
A: At the very least, you should have pages that:
- explain your particular wiki's purpose
- show how to use the wiki (e.g., how to add a new page)
- describe your wiki's TextFormattingRules
- list guidelines for posting
- "seed" your wiki with a few pages on your wiki's subject
If your wiki includes interesting or unique features, mention those. A RecentChanges page is useful, too.
Categories and WikiBadges weren't part of the original WikiWikiWeb (see WikiHistory). If you find your wiki starting to need them, they're easy to add.
Wiki-Like Things
Q: We're developing MindSet, an import/export standard for tools for organizing thoughts, Would WikiWiki support such a standard for import/export? Are the WikiWiki pages any different from HTML pages? Andrius
A: Depends on the implementation of the wiki. Some are database backed, some not. Some use CVS/RCS to save revisions of the plaintext, some don't. Either way, it is always in a form that would be very easy to export w/ minimal code (ie, a simple web spider could do it if you needed a brute force solution).
Q: Is my idea for a FuzzyCommunity already implemented by wiki or is it something different?
A: You must explain your idea for a FuzzyCommunity before this question may be answered.
Q: I want to make a ContentManagementSystem combined with a wiki. A mutated clone if you want to call it like that. It's not more than a wiki with a (kind of) structured menu. Is this a problem?
A: Not at all, but you might want to look at the list of WikiEngines and WikiLikeThings to see if there isn't already something that satisfies your needs. For example, see GreenCheese, which is a hierarchically structured wiki.
Unsorted Questions
Q: Is there any way to subscribe to this FAQ? It would be nice to be informed when somebody has answered a question.
A: See PageChangeNotification and AutoPcn.
Q: Who developed Wiki? In which language has it been implemented? Perl?
A: This Wiki was developed by WardCunningham, and it was implemented in Perl (see WikiBase). For details see WikiHistory.
Q: If I would like to start a wiki about [subject], how should I do it?
A: Try this:
- Find a wiki that is appropriate for it (see PublicWikiForums, or Google the subject and the word "wiki").
- Search the wiki to see if a similar page already exists.
- If not, study the TextFormattingRules for that wiki. Note the way to link to a new page.
- Find a page you want people to browse from. Create a link there.
- Follow the link and start the page by editing it.
Q: Has any work been done on annotating wikis (using Semantic web technology) June 04?
A: Look at SemanticWikiWikiWeb
Q: Does anybody know a good wiki that handles non ASCII character set, even to create the links?
A: Yes, you might try PukiWiki, which is developed in Japan.
Q: What happens when you try to insert HTML in a wiki?
A: It depends on the wiki. Here on WardsWiki it gets quoted and thus appears on the page, like so: <input type="text" />
Other wikis, such as swiki (, actually use it in the HTML page.
Q: I have my home computer set up like a Web server. How can I get a simple and easy to set up wiki to install?
A: See ChoosingaWiki
Q: I really need some advice on what wiki I should get for my project. I've read most of the above and remain pretty baffled. I am working on a dictionary/encyclopedia project that will eventually go public, but for now, in the early development phases I need to keep it private while I get it into shape. I need a simple wiki that will allow me to develop multiple page/entries and experiment with cross-referencing while developing a style too. Can anyone recommend a suitable stand-alone wiki? Thanks.
A: There are dozens of software packages that you might use, so before answering you we need more information about your technical capabilities and current software repository. Do you use Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS, BeOS, or some other operating system? Do you currently use a web server? Are you capable of configuring a web server? Have you read ChoosingaWiki? Have you read WikiWikiClones? In short, have you done your homework? Although you did ask your question politely - for which we thank you - putting the "AnswerMe" tag on a question when you first ask it is considered BadForm. Consider reading HowToAskQuestionsTheSmartWay.
Q: I need to run a wikiserver for a group of people. The information that we would be dealing with is very sensitive and for our eyes only. How would I run a server?
A: Run it fully encrypted, with proper security certificates (to avoid man-in-middle attacks). Require either password authentication or CAC/SmartCard access to the data. Be sure to expire any sessions after a few hours of inactivity. After the security layer is handled - and that's about the best you can do for privacy - you can allow access to your WikiWikiClone of choice over the encrypted and authenticated connection. Depending on how sensitive the information is, you'll need to decide between trusting a web-hosting service and running your own server.
Q: I've been looking a several wiki sites to find the answer to this but I can't find it so hopefully someone can help me here. I am trying to get wiki link to open in the same 'frame' as the link (in the same 'frame' where you can click on the edit button) but still have the menu on the left side. I can't get it to work, can someone please help me?? I hope my problem makes sense to someone.......
A: First, shame on you for not doing your homework. Google is fairly easy to access. Second, frames are evil; I suggest use of CascadingStyleSheets and (if really necessary) some floating components instead. BUT, since you want them anyway, look here: (,, and ( The basic approach is to name a frame, and set a target on the link.
inside primary page descriptor:
<frameset cols="20%,*">
<frame src="myMenu.html"
<frame name="main" src="wiki/MainPage"/>
and from 'wiki/MainPage' cgi
... contents ...
<a href="wiki/AnotherPage" target="main">AnotherPage</a>
... more contents...
Note that you'll need control of the cgi/php/whatever that is actually injecting links to attach the 'target=' field to every link.
CategoryFaq CategoryPersonalWiki CategoryWikiHelp