To help Wiki grow, the primary goal of this page should be to help people find good places to host their new wiki idea. Please insert detailed good/bad experiences with the servers, but not into this page, but instead follow the link to the Wiki-page of the individual farm and insert there!
There are already Wikis of many shapes, sizes, colors, and topics. If you are looking to start a wiki, snoop around on the PublicWikiForums (a list of existing wikis), since a suitable wiki may already exist. Compare wikis at
Free (gratis) WikiFarms
byo wikiframs scripts
English (alphabetical):
Centroy ( Simple low-cost business wiki. Provides efficient online team collaboration for use as a business intranet or extranet site. Supports secure password protected authentication, along with 256-bit SSL encryption.
Gamepedia ( - Free platform for gaming wikis, hosts hundreds of official wikis for big name titles such as Minecraft, Terraria, Titanfall, and indie productions alike. Anyone can apply changes to a game’s wiki by adding media or information. Gamepedia also offers tutorials for those new to markup and editing. Wikis on Gamepedia are partially managed by their staff, but remain 100% open to all editors.
Intodit ( ) - Free service where people can create groups for their interests the Wiki way. You can share your passion by building pages or starting discussions for your group. An easy to use editing system makes it possible to add text content, photos and widgets such as movies or music clips.
Oddwiki, a wiki-hive. It takes 15 seconds to make a wiki and you can do it even without a login. It's free and stays free and has no commercials on it. It runs OddMuse. Specifically not intended to be a permanent farm, but a place to get started.
PeanutButterWiki (, a simple & low-cost wiki farm. "Personal" wikis are free, for up to 3 users. At 4th user, you enter the paying category: the meter starts ticking! Get set up in less time than it takes to make a peanut butter sandwich. Wikis can be public or password-protected. Over a million monthly users and 150,000+ wikis hosted. Support via forums & email. Customizable site sidebars, raw HTML support, WYSIWYG editing with plugins (e.g. calendars & slide shows) and full LaTeX equation support, file & picture attachments, ZIP file backups, internationalization support, bracketed WikiWords, wiki table syntax, three free visual themes. Additional functionality (more storage, detailed access and appearance control, custom domain support) provided to Premium users ($10-35/mo). No page / editor limits. Author is DavidWeekly and he is responsive to feedback. was acquired by PeanutButterWiki.
Wetpaint ( is a free hosted wiki farm that lets anyone create a wiki site in minutes. Wetpaint monitizes by serving Google AdSense. AdFree/Paid for now available. Users select their own subdomain, determine their permission scheme, choose from several backgrounds, and off you go. Adding and editing content is done via a WYSIWYG editor. Several layers of authority for users/anonymous. Each page has attached discussion threads, making up an overall discussion forum. Claims over a million wikis.
Wikia ( free to use. No ads for logged in users, other than on some home pages. Hosts over 14000 wikis in 120 languages as of April 2009. Uses MediaWiki with WYSIWYG editor. Logins optional, new wikis created instantly. Each wiki has a subdomain, eg - contributions are usually under the GnuFreeDocumentationLicense or CreativeCommonsShareAlikeLicense. Communities are supported by around 50 staff. There's only one skin as default for not logged in users with restrictive TermsOfUse about its customization. Logged in users can use monobook (old Wikipedia skin) for their own. It features many social extensions like blogs, article comments, achievements and chat. Once created the wiki cannot be deleted from Wikia even if the community decides to move to another host; it's up to Wikia Staff's own discretion.
Wikidot ( allows you to create your own wiki inside the domain or handle any other domain for free. Loaded with features like: advanced editing, RSS import/export, forums, tags and tag clouds, categories, advanced permission system, custom themes etc. Aimed at advanced users. All wikis share common user accounts.
WikiSpaces ( is a free WikiFarm. Registered members can create new spaces (e.g. that are unrestricted public wikis. Uses tags for organizing pages and topics rather than categories or fixed hierarchies. Links are using brackets rather than CamelCase, otherwise includes standard wiki features as well as integrated discussion areas. Supported by text ads; no limitations on number of pages or space usage. Content is licensed under a CreativeCommons AttributionShareAlike license. Has a visual editor or plain wikitext editor.
WikiSpot ( - free for nonprofit wikis, no limits on pages or disk space, integrated google maps, doubleclick to edit a section of text, no advertising. Wikis are intended to be autonomous, choosing their own license, top level domain, etc. However, users can track bookmarks and recent changes across multiple wikis at much. A lot of emphasis on InterWiki Community. The Wiki Spot project is a non-profit, open-source effort.
- ( - free and paid wiki farms with Semantic Farms, Drilldown, Recaptcha, WYSIWYG Editor. Daily sitemap generation and support to execute maintenance script from backend. TheWikiZ supports Mozilla FireFox.
- ( a free (or pay for more) wiki farm. It uses the XwikiWiki open source software. It has powerful features (blog, photos, S5 presentation, scripting, rights management, etc..). Has more than 7284 wikis created on the platform. The free version is currently unrestricted, but login required. Look of your wiki is changeable by editing the skin. Interface is available in English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. Comments on Blog are also restricted (must be logged in). XWiki supports MozillaFirefox! :)
- (, Fill out one field to get started. Featuring WYSIWYG, attachments, multimedia, raw html, and more. Free. Google ads on the bottom or side.
English, Three or Fewer Stars (by rating):
Memebot ( is a free WikiFarm. Registered members can create new sites (e.g. that are unrestricted public wikis using Oddmuse software. Supported by paid upgrades; no limitations on number of pages. FTP is available for uploading Oddmuse files or altering configuration.
Cospire ( WYSIWYG editor, category tree, member profiles/reputations, advanced article permission options, etc. Hosting is free but might eventually include ads on the side bars and the software is beta so might be buggy.
- (, Fill out one field to get started. Uses mediawiki. Free. Google ads on the bottom. Version of MediaWiki is 2.5 years old as of June 2008
- A visit to with Konqueror browser version 3.4.2 shows the message, "In order to see the map that would go in this space, please use a compatible web browser." Changing the user agent string, so that Konqueror pretends to be Internet Explorer 6.0, shows the page.
- Down on 14th of June, down on 9th of August, and late may to early june '08
BluWiki ( free hosted wikis based on the MediaWiki engine. Somewhat small, but growing community.
- : Free Wiki for All
PmWiki WikiFarm is a small collection of scripts that can be integrated into an existing PmWiki:
- - Free wiki hosting using the GeboGebo WikiEngine. Private wikis are possible. Don't like the service anymore? Simply download your complete wiki, so you can move it to another web server.
- Free usage. Features advertisements. Runs MediaWiki with WYSIWYG and supports 150 languages.
- Features full back-end access with FTP and Cpanel. Install any wiki script you like. Or, wiki farm service avaiable using Media Wiki. Advertising supported. Free domain names for popular wikis.
Netcipia ( - free for public and private wikis, with 2GB limit for each wiki, no time limit and no limit on the number of users. Based on the XWiki open source engine.
Referata ( - Wiki farm, supporting MediaWiki with SemanticWeb. Ad-free.
ShoutWiki ( - Recent wiki farm, powered by MediaWiki. Had a major outage on June 17, 2011, that lasted until January of 2012. On March 3, 2012, it had another major outage in which all edits were lost since the outage of June of 2012. Ad-supported.
MW Zip ( - New free wiki host powered by MediaWiki. Instant setup, unlimited storage and pageviews. Pro account (one time fee) grants FTP and SSH access. Advertising supported. No ads for logged-in users.
Not English:
- ( Hebrew. The wiki is based on the same software that runs Wikipedia. Thousands of free wikis. You can start a new Wiki in any language instantly.
- ( German. You may get a free wiki if your topic is of broad general public interest and utility. We use the MoinMoin wiki clone.
CafeWiki ( The first full dedicated FrenchWikiFarm.
Commercial WikiFarms
In Order of Increasing Price per Month
CentadaWiki ( - WYSIWYG editing, user-friendly interface, using PhpWiki and TikiWiki. Comes included with 2 free domain names. Choice of 60 website templates at no extra cost. Virus shield and spam shield for Centada WebMail. One-click backups in zip and tgz. Wiki hosting plans start from $4.95 per month.
EditMe ( - Offers WysiWyg edited sites with Wiki-like behavior starting at $5/mo. Also provides multi-level password protection, user registration, and attachment uploads and storage.
Webhostingbuzz ( - offers both TikiWiki and PhpWiki. Setup free - 2Gb disk space, 35Gb bandwidth.
SeedWiki ( is a free (or pay for more) wiki farm. Part of an effort to use wikis as an underlayer for developing business applications (Wikis With Widgets). Running now on an AllaireColdFusion Wiki Clone.
- charges $40/year for hosting a public-readable WikiLog, using ZWiki. Run by BillSeitz
- charges $10/user/month for a closed TeamWiki/ProjectWiki space, using ZWiki. Run by BillSeitz
JotSpot ( WYSIWYG editor, attachments, email $10/mon for 1 admin and 1 user, add'l users @ $3 - 7 / mon. varying by volume. Has been purchased by Google and not taking new registrations at the moment. Announcement awaited with interest.
- ( - Offers paid wiki hosting (semantic and regular) and professional wiki services. Uses the MediaWiki engine. Active since 2011. Run by KarstenHoffmeyer
WaGn - $20/month, includes 1GB storage, 10GB/month. You can also download Wagn and run it yourself.
WikiService -- open, half-open and closed wikis based on the ProWikiEngine. Personal wikis $15-25/month. Other wikis start at $25/month depending on type and size. See also FreeWikisForSchools.
TeamNotePad ( GBP (�) 2/user/month, approx USD 3.5/user/month, 5 user minimum (�10/month or approx USD 15/month). JavaScript WysiWyg editor, multi-level passwords, attachment upload/download, registered user mailing list management, CocanWiki engine, registered members only, CSS customisable sites (page and global CSS), email on page change (global or per page, per user).
- USD 15/month for wikis running MediaWiki, MoinMoin or UseModWiki (1 GB space, 5 GB traffic); EUR 100/month for dedicated server hosting with support package, run by ErikMoeller (one of the MediaWiki developers)
- 15�/month for MediaWiki (3Gb space/5Gb Traffic, Imap Mail w/Spamassassin, Squid Cache etc). Also offers Zwiki, Plone, Zope hosting. Run by Gabriel Wicke (Gwicke), another MediaWiki Dev and Wikipedia admin
ProjectForum ( offers hosting of either their ProjectForum or CourseForum software, with hosting plans starting from $15. The software is also available for traditional licensing.
ProjectLocker ( 10$ per user
ParsimonyWiki (German, question about losing content in March, 2000, I visited the site, seems to use the original wiki software (WC) based on the text editing rules. They are making an effort to welcome English speakers, but it is not there yet. Free sites have banner advertising. 45DM/year to avoid banners. It is a little overwhelming, with a ton of wikis, most in German.) no free site anymore
SalesAppliance ( The sales force automation offering contains a wiki collaboration option. Prices start from �10 per user per month with a minimum of a five user license.
OnePay Internet Hosting ~ Commercial all-inclusive hosting with free customized wiki setup, your own domain name and email. Euro 333 one-time fee and Euro 55 a year. See for more info.
$16/month to $49/month
TeamWikis ( offers hosting of multiple wikis, with plans starting at $25/month. Based on ProjectForum.
BizWebShop ( Starts at $30/month for a hosted custom TikiWiki CMS Groupware site. Build a community around your organization, product, residential community or project. Custom forms, unlimited users, on-going maintenance. We support your site on-going. Free initial consultation.
$50/month and up
1Work ( Wiki Solution -- Hosted wiki. Particularity: Visibility with all screen size, easy to print, Xhtml1.1, RSS and conformance to W3C.
CustomerVision ( Enterprise Wiki -- Hosted wiki and blog service.
EtouchSamePage ( Enterprise Wiki built on J2EE supporting a number of features like WYSIWYG editing,project management, permissioning, administration and support for multiple domains. Personal Edition is Free (less than 5 people).Professional Edition starts from $100/month.
StikiWiki ( Wiki Software w/ Visual Editor. Free Trial. $210 USD to purchase.
SocialText ( Enterprise Social Software -- wiki and weblog hosted service. Free trial, starter package for 5 users is $995 per year.
WikidWiki ( - German WikiFarm, bringing together a wiki-engine, a server and various services regarding setup (design, architecture, structure), and maintenance (moderation, content creation, consulting) of WikidWiki based Sites. Note that their claim to give you 30 pages "immediately" is somewhat slanted: I signed up and am still waiting for the activating-email to arrive (24 hours later)
WikiWebDotCom ( software for sale -- the commercial version has a lot of features, and works on Windows NT (only), but can work with Oracle, DB2, Informix, and Access, and has a built-in Web server. Update (on 1/7/01): Now have three products, a free personal wiki server (shutting down as of June 30, 2001), a departmental wiki server ($500) and an enterprise wiki server ($5000), plus $50 per user after some number of free users (100 for the departmental, 200 for the enterprise).) Update (on 5/24/01): they announced they are terminating their free WikiFarm as of 6/30/01.
WikisDotCom ($300 per month (updated 1/7/01)? yes -- I visited the home page. Software can be bought for $1599 for NT.)
FreeTwiky (Indian site, but not located in India -- located in the UK. They use Twiky (not the same as TwikiClone). "Please note: Tangent Software Pvt. Ltd. may decide to charge for the Twiky being hosted on a case to case basis, after mutual negotiation"
New wiki service? I'm thinking of starting a fee-based wiki service primarily because I'm becoming fed up with SwikiFarm's bugs and outages. I was thinking of charging $20 - $50 per month for unlimited users per wiki site. I'm amazed that anyone would get $350 - $1800 per year for a wiki service, though... I may rethink my pricing... (Couldn't some host/reseller easily set up a CGI-based wiki in a normal shell account that runs $15/mo or less? This is just what reseller accounts are for.)
- ( offers commercial wiki services, too. You can simply order a ready-to-use wiki from us (including domain if needed), we can offer commercial support and we can also help setting up a wiki in your intranet (Germany). The help system and system pages in our wiki are available in English and in German (other coming).
CIM3-CWE ( - hosted enterprise Collaborative Work Environment -- featuring integrated discussion, collaborative-authoring, shared-file and portal workspaces. 'Open', 'Community Only' and 'Secured' modes of operation. $2,500 ~ $100,000 per year.
BytesmithWikiHosting - Commercial wiki hosting. Basic package starts @ $115 year, and more advanced ones @ 195 year.
Is a WikiFarm? There are a bunch of wikis there, but only the administrator can set up a new one. (Aside: It uses WikiWorks 0.6)
Special services
- ZopeDotOrg (I've visited the site and exchanged email -- their wikis are Zwikis, using Zope. They prefer to host Zope related content.)
Not in service
WikiWorld a senior project, Messiah College (No registration, server is down on 10/29/2001)
blogan ( - a wiki farm using UseMod (seems to be down since 2003/05/05)
SwikiFarm, Net**'Unify: Seems to be offline now.
- : Offline as of 17 August 2005.
Info about TakiWiki
Seeking WikiForums
I'm looking for a Wiki using C# that has SSL security to add to a help system I'm developing. This is for a business (a small business but we are willing to pay fair market for the wiki). Please advise about enterprise wikis with admin features, security, easy backups, clear instructions. Thanks!!
Hint: over a thousand (?) wiki are listed at WikiIndex ( ).
(Note: I just added wiki I remembered off the top of my head. There's probably other, better wiki in each of these categories. I hope my pointers to a "nearby" wiki, in connection with the WikiNode system, will get you to the wiki you want. -- DavidCary)
Are there any wikis out there which are about ProjectManagement?
- Heretics' forum
Are there any wikis out there which are about Humanism? Or philosophy in general? humanism
- EvoWiki ?
- "Objectivism"
- "Awareness" -- BrokenLink as of 2005-05-06
Wikis about the anti-poverty movement, organizations like Share Our Strength (U.S., Canada, other?)?
- (was ), Millennium Development Goals Wiki (now defunct), Appropedia (very active, global)
Are there any wikis out there which are about education? I'm a high school teacher, just starting to fool around with one on at
- BrokenLink as of 2005-05-06
- BrokenLink as of 2005-05-06
- WikiBooks For example,
- Teacher's Guide of Questions and Lesson Plans to Wikipedia Encyclopedia
- perhaps the Mentat wiki
...About cooperative societies?
- TheReformSociety
- CommunityWiki:
- just about every wiki, simply because it's a wiki?
Any books about wiki? TheWikiWay
I'm looking for a ComparisonShoppingWiki. See ComparisonShoppingWiki.
I'm seeking proposals from WikiFarms that might meet my requirements for my Wiki system. My requirements are posted at
Are there any WikiFarms or Wiki Software which are particularly accessible for disabled people, ie which have been designed to conform to the requirements of WCAG 1 or 2 see
Missing some wiki engines listed here:
CategoryWikiFarm CategoryWikiImplementation