See WikiWeblog at, background info at
contact info is at
Was member of founding team at Medscape ( Built the tech team (development, ops, support, etc.). Then spent a couple years at another startup called AxiomLegal which is kinda a distributed corporate legal firm. Now independent, starting a hosting ASP for WikiWeblog handling - - and an ASP for private team wiki collaboration -
Jun'03 - enjoying DavidSchmaltz's first book, TheBlindMenAndTheElephant. Thoughts (rough) on InterWiki, WikiPortal, MultiWiki, etc. (Apr11'01) (and see my more recent page at
(I use ZWiki, not that it matters much, though it's reminding me of varying tagging styles across WikiClones...)
I want to run multiple wikis, many of them personal/private, so that
I can control namespaces of multiple projects (e.g. each ProjectWiki has a UserStories page, without having to resort to Project1UserStores, Projects2UserStories, etc.)
Searches and RecentChanges have a narrow scope/context
Different wikis can have different access rights
I also want to be an active member of multiple other wiki-based communities
want to track RecentChanges in each, and jumping from one to the other is a bit of a pain
being able to track just a subset of pages for changes would be even cooler
being able (occasionally) to search across a particular set of Wikis would be good, too. Partial credit for at least being able to search on WikiNames, not page contents.
When I'm writing a WikiPage, I'd like to be able to link to a WikiPage outside the current WikiSpace
most often, I'll be in one of "my" Wikis, and want to link to another of my Wikis
but sometimes I'll want to link across hosting environments
and of course the point is that I want to be able to do that in a way as close as possible in style to a local WikiName reference. The other extreme of course is just using the plain old fully-qualified URL for the non-local WikiPage.