A WikiPage can mean many things:
- Granularity of links on the WikiWikiWeb. That is, you can link only to a page, not part of a page.
- A chunk of Wiki's memory.
The parts of a WikiPage Do not limit yourself to what is already written, be creative.
- Logo - Originated by Ward Cunningham and his brother Ralph, placed in upper left corner of the page (MoreAboutTheLogo).
- Title - The title of the page constructed to condense meaning and purpose to just a few words. Clicking on the title gives the current page's BackLinks.
- Content - Contains text, WikiWord**s that are Hyperlinks, and occasionally images. The organization of this content into OpeningStatement, DocumentMode, ThreadMode, is purely social, not enforced by the software.
- EditText - Click on to present an editable, savable rendition of the page.
- Underlined Date - Click on the date to see differences made by the identified editor at the last edit.
- VisualTour! - Click on to present a visual mapping of the page with other linked pages.
- FindPage - Clicking and entering search criteria will surely list pages satisfying those criteria.
- LikePages - Will present titles of other pages in two columns, the first matching the first word in the title, the second column matching the last word in the title.
- Image Hyperlinks - Below the last page break line you may find one or more images which represent SisterSites. Clicking on the image will take you to the identically named page on the represented wiki. For example, you may find MeatBall represented as a link. This is a type of hyperlinking in addition to the underlined WikiWords, page title backlinks, and date last edited linkages used in other parts of the WikiPage. It is Ward's way of implementing a co-operative InterWiki concept. (See also TwinPages.)
If you want to try your hand at editing a wiki page, we ask that you try your experiments on a page created specifically for that purpose: the WikiWikiSandbox.
See also:
- AddingNewPages
- HomePage: Using your Name to create a page serving as your MailBox and profile.
- DiscussionPage
- TalkPage
CategoryWiki CategoryWikiConcept