Wikis Dot Com

last modified: May 12, 2004

privately hosted public wikis, using the FoxForumWiki WikiClone.

For $400 a month?! You have got to be kidding me. Is a wiki really that hard to set up? No. I set a private one up for a friend to use for a workgroup in 5 minutes, and I'd never set up a Wiki before, and I didn't even set it up on my own server, but on a personal web account.

As the developer of WikisDotCom, and the caretaker of dozens of public and private wikis therein, I'm very impressed that you did in 5-minutes what took me several months with input from dozens of users. I also like your idea of hosting other people's mission-critical wikis on a domain you don't directly control. Why didn't I think of that? -- StevenBlack

Honestly! I set up a wiki in about 2 hours from scratch, INCLUDING writing the wiki software in the first place, and a day later it has more powerful feature then this, TheOriginalWiki. Since I have an offsite server that costs me around $200/month for my other websites, and wikis are very easy on resources, I could host dozends, if not houndreds at no extra cost. Personally I'd consider charging $5/month a rip off. -- SvenNeumann

Seriously, if you're getting paid $400/month for each of the dozens of wikis you say you're hosting, then I have to say I'm impressed -- alf

he meant he installed a wiki. what about hosting non critical wikis? $400 are too much than.

From: WikiFarm

See: NonCriticalWiki
