PmWiki is a WikiWikiWeb clone developed in PHP by Patrick Michaud and released under the GPL.
The home site for PmWiki is
The latest version of PmWiki software is available from
Features of PmWiki include:
- Clear philosophy and (some) resistance to creeping featurism -- Jason Grossman
- Easy installation, maintenance, and upgrades
- Flat text diffs -- does not require MySql or any other database to be running on the server
- Most local customizations are in a separate configuration file
- Internationalization is supported and going strong
- InterMap capabilities to provide links to other WikiWikiWeb systems
- Ability to organize pages into WikiGroups, with headers and access controls shared among all pages in the group
- Supportive user community and active user mailing list
- User-contributed Cookbook for plug-ins and customizations
- Bug tracker in its own area of the wiki
- Easy to create new skins for a site
- Markup includes capability for
See also WikiEngines