This page now appears to be a historical artifact. In October 2003, someone asked:
Was the Twiky code ever released?
Since this page was created, FreeTwiky has morphed into a $200-to-register commercial application called Prowiki.
- ProWikiSoftware
- ProWikiEngine
Anyone know; is there a wiki system with similar features to this WikiEngine (i.e., open/half-open/closed pages, priviliged accounts, a good layout, etc)?
Don't confuse Twiky with the TwikiClone, which is a professional Wiki for corporate intranets.
Twiky is based on the concept of Wikis, developed by Tangent Software Pvt. Ltd, India. Some minor differences: Every topic has a voting board too, and authors of a Twiky need to register to use the edit button in any topic of the Twiky, authors are given private pages that are non-editable to others (so personal opinions can be expressed separately). Links (i.e. new topics) can be created when you put something in square brackets.
It is written in a new CGI enabled Prolog interpreter (Narasimha). The source code is still not released (expected soon)
Free Twikys can be hosted by anyone, directly at after clicking on an 'I agree' link on a simple agreement form
Suggestions for Twiky can be made into the Twiky setup for that at: goWiki BrokenLink, Oct 2003
Hmm, on the registration page ( )"assume" you agree to Terms and Conditions which are a blank page. BrokenLink, Oct 2003
The terms at the 'I agree' link specify that they may want to negotiate charging you for hosting a FreeTwiky on their farm, but you will "not be charged more than $25 a month.
Without registering, i can't get a good enough look at it to see if it would go in WikiWikiClone (and WikiFarms) or WikiLikeThings (some of which are farms, but not Wikis). --JohnAbbe
Oops. Sorry about the missing Terms and Conditions page. This has now been rectified (Oct 13, 2000). Please note that the above Terms and conditions page was specifically for the Twiky discussion on Twiky itself, and not for the Twiky farm service.
We have no clue on the amount of hits/webspace such Free Twikys may impose upon us. If the size and/or transfer load, of the Twiky grows beyond our expectation then we may not be in a position to afford this :( (In short, we have to safeguard our interests). But we are committed to provide the free Twiky: In case people dont want to take the $25.00 per month option, then we would give them the option of transferring the entire Twiky system to their own website at no cost. At least that way, we would not have to suffer through the bandwidth/size problem that such Twikys may impose. Suitable changes to the agreement form to such an effect will be posted on the Free Twiky site, shortly.
Currently setting up a free Twiky on other people's website is a little convoluted process, (because Narasimha, the CGI application is still under development) and also it is not currently available for Unix systems, and hence we are encouraging people to setup free Twikys directly on our website.
Could you please be more precise. When will you charge? --SebastianPetzelberger