Here's a list of things that are similar to WikiWiki, without actually being WikiWikiClones:
- Advogato
- Amaya browser
- AskSam, network versions -- -- a WikiLikeEngine
- Assoziations-Blaster -- wiki-like, MySql-based, GermanLanguage/EnglishLanguage
- AtlassianConfluence - commercial wiki-like software from AtlassianSoftware
- BasicSupportForCooperativeWork
- BillAtkinson's HyperCard (1987)
- Blather -- is AppendOnly, which makes for some interesting historical reading. Good place to kill hours following threads. I think it was started in 1998. There is now a 'blath', or blather_page, about wiki, which is a good as example of a blather page and how it works: try it, you might like it.
- TheBrain - - thought storage - personal (free trial) and intranet ($$$) versions available (tweaked by HansWobbe)
- Catalyst - from BigMindMedia
- Caucus
- is AwikiLikeSite.
- ConnectedText
- DevonThink (
- DougEngelbart's Augment/NLS (1962-1976)
- EditThisPagePhp - single-page editing, with RSS, trackback, ping, etc. Like a wiki without TextFormattingRules, and only one page.
- EtherPad
- EverythingTwo -- wiki-like, but without the possibility of linking out of E2. You are not allowed to edit other's text in E2, but only add your own and edit that. E2 has an involved social hierarchy where only editors can delete content, and you get privileges depending on how much you have contributed to the site.
- FaqOmatic -- more like an open message board
- Futplex -- does not exist) joint editing the Web. See for a brief overview.
- GitHub Pages - wiki as GitVersionControl repository
- GrooveNet -- from the guy who brought us LotusNotes: chat, share files, message, cobrowse, and cowork on documents or projects. Plugins available.
- HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy (h2g2) is vaguely Wikiesque
- HyperCard - wiki over SneakerNet
- HyperNews - forum software, with full HTML and enhanced text
- HypertextAbstractMachine at Tektronix (1987)
- "Ikimbo" ( Omniprise is groupware enabling enterprise-wide instant messaging, file sharing
- "iMaestro" ( -- peer-to-peer auction network lets users chat and communicate.
- Infocetera ( now has a wiki tool. You can import all of the other tools that Infocetera provides e.g., calendar, files list, URL list, chat/whiteboard.
- IntermediaFromIris (1986-1990)
- JitterBug is a Web-based bug tracking system under GnuGeneralPublicLicense
- JreePad
- LotusNotes
- LucidFriedEggs[3] -- Conversion of an artificial Brain to PHP for collaboration
- ManilaByDaveWiner -- also message-board-like but lotsa bells and whistles (Frontier)
- MassMind ( ) technical reference for personal computers and embedded controllers
- MetaBaby
- Microsoft SharePoint
- NoteBook
- NoteCards from XeroxParc (1985)
- NoteStudio
- OneThousandJournalProject
- OurPlace
- Outhink ( Outhink's communication utilities let people collaborate with each other and exchange documents and data.
- PalmWiki by Toshiyuki Masui is a free program for the Palm hand-held which lets you use the memo database as hypertext data. Uses WikiNames or square brackets for links. (see PalmWiki for more details)
- PasteBin, in their various forms
- PepysWiki Personal WYSIWYG wiki (
- Phorum
- PlatoGroupNotes
- PlatformForInformationApplications (PIA) -
- PostCardx
- QuickCms
- QuickTopic -- compartmentalized message pages with email notification
- RobPike's AcmeUserInterface
- SdiDesk
- Shadow for Palm ( provides a note/list/outline tool where links can be made to other Palm applications
- TeamWave is a graphical environment with some WikiNature
- Text::WikiFormat ( if you just want to convert WikiText into HTML
- ThoughtStream -- for Palm(Pilot) OS --
- ThoughtTwo [BrokenLink as of 2004-03-04]
- TinderBox -- for Macintosh --
- TreePad ( ) -- Can be used as a "Personal Wiki" - It maintains a tree-structured set of hyperlinked Rich Text articles. It also comes in a client/server edition, which is then of course more Wiki-like.
- VoodooPad -- personal wiki for Mac OS X from Flying Meat
- WebGrid
- WhyEdit (YEdit) -- Web Collaboration Software An information resource for web collaboration and other related collaborative content management software.
- WikiBatics ( Serverless )
- WikidPad -- wiki-like notebook/outliner for windows
- WikiFs -- Wiki Filesystem frem Bell Labs
- WikiMode -- Emacs mode (see CategoryEmacs) for writing hypertext that feels like WikiWiki. If all users use Emacs, it just like WikiWiki except that it is ModeLess: reading and writing happens within the same buffer.
- WikiWriter -- a standalone Windows IE browser-based authoring tool using wiki-style markup and interface --
- VannevarBush's MemexVision (1945)
- XanaduProject
- XeroxSparrow
- ZwiKi
- This is the appropriate ODP category:
- This is the 'Writable Web' section at the O'Reilly P2P directory:
See also HyperTextHistory
CategoryWiki CategoryHypercard